Hi All,
I got below error message, when i sent email from another network using
email client from desktop. please help me to resolve.

An Error occurred while sending mail.the mail server responded: 5.7.1 Sorry
that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts(chkuser).Please check
the message recipient x...@gmail.com and try again

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 4:17 AM, Eric Shubert <e...@shubes.net> wrote:

> On 08/15/2013 03:12 AM, xaf wrote:
>> |--> ChandranManikandan, le 15/08/2013 04:30, a dit :
>>> Our server is hosting in house with Public ip. Most of our roaming
>>> users using outlook from their laptop from overseas. They are unable
>>> to send email from their laptop and getting error. But if we send from
>>> our office with the same network it's send perfect.Do i need to setup
>>> in our server.
>> which port are they using, 25 587 ?
>> (most isp are blocking port 25)
>> the answer is 25 -> tell them to use 587
>> (check before if 587 isn't blocked by your firewall)
>> if they already use 587, ask them to copy/send the error
>> xaf
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> Good advice. The stock RBLs, which are used on port 25 but not on port
> 587, are probably blocking dynamic addresses.
> An alternative is to install spamdyke (HIGHLY recommended). Not only does
> spamdyke do a magical job blocking spam, but it disables RBL checks (all
> checks actually) for authenticated users on port 25.
> The next QTP release will hopefully contain spamdyke, which will alleviate
> this problem permanently. In the meantime, simply run the
> qtp-install-spamdyke script, stop and start qmail, and you should be good
> to go. The default spamdyke configuration is pretty safe and effective.
> Note, clients really *should* use port 587 for submissions though.
> --
> -Eric 'shubes'
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> qmailtoaster-list-help@**qmailtoaster.com<qmailtoaster-list-h...@qmailtoaster.com>

*Thanks & Best Regards,

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