[ apologies for replying to my own post ... I delete most things after
I read them but sent-mail is always there ]

On Thu, 2007-04-01 at 06:58 -0500, Guy Hulbert wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-04-01 at 11:26 +0000, Robin Bowes wrote:
> > Michael Holzt wrote:
> > > As some of you might or might now know, i'm the holder of the qpsmtpd.org
> > > domain and also host the qpsmtpd wiki on wiki.qpsmtpd.org. Now while the
> > > wiki still seems to be a good idea, i've noticed that there have been next
> > > to no contributions to it lately. This is a bit of a shame, as qpsmtpd 
> > > lacks good documentation and i hoped the wiki would solve that problem in
> > > a collaborating way.
> > > 
> > > I'm looking for suggestions how to continue with the wiki in 2007. What


Can you provide a dump of the existing content?

I'd like to set up twiki anyway (see below) and I will try to set up a
public copy with the content mirrored.  It will take a little while as I
am hosting a couple of sites so I need to upgrade my server carefully.

However I can try things out on a test server right away.  I may be able
to provide slow access to that (depends what my provider filters).

> > > i especially would like to know if the wiki installed (dokuwiki) is fine
> > > or if you would like to see some other wiki software installed instead. 
> > > I used dokuwiki because i've had enough with the bloatness of mediawiki
> I was very impressed by dokuwiki.  The developers have a link to a wiki
> comparison site which I found quite useful to compare features.
> Moin-moin versus docu-wiki versus twiki
> http://www.wikimatrix.org/compare/MoinMoin+DokuWiki+TWiki
> I notice that Twiki has namespaces but Moin-moin does not ... otherwise
> all three of these are comparable.
> I guess I would vote for Twiki if we were changing.

It seems that the latest twiki will be in etch and I have been planning
to upgrade my server anyway.

> > 
> > R.
> > 


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