On Thu, 2007-03-22 at 13:36 -0500, Peter Eisch wrote:
> I've tracked this down to be more a client issue than plugin.  Both clients
> I've tried (oddly both M$) fail to present credentials it seems.  From the
> qpsmtpd system to the IMAP server a command-line "AUTH PLAIN" and "AUTH
> LOGIN" with the credentials work into qpsmtpd via 'telnet localhost 25'.

IIRC, microsoft only supports AUTH LOGIN, not PLAIN (but I may have that
backwards and it may have changed).  There might be some confusion if it
sees both ?

> I've had success with both auth_imap with and without SSL.  This eliminates
> the plugin as being suspect.
> Does anyone have any success with Outlook doing SMTP auth to any version of
> qpsmtpd?  I'll keep poking at this.  It seems that the server isn't
> presenting what the client is expecting, or something.  Ideas?
> Thanks,
> Peter


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