For your convenience,

                                           +--includes build script
        Pregenerated list                  | +--script uses qmail-local logic
                                           | | +--supports users/assign
                                           | | | +--detects local users/getpw
                                           | | | | +--.qmail-default/catch-all
                                           | | | | | +--.qmail-ext-default
                                           | | | | | | +--vpopmail
                                           | | | | | | | +--ezmlm
                                           | | | | | | | | +--bouncesaying
                                           | | | | | | | | | +-- db/cdb files
                                  for lang V V V V V V V V V V
        goodrcptto                q-s C    Y n n Y Y n x n x Y
        check_goodrcptto          qp  perl n x x x Y n x x x n
        validrcptto               q-s C    n x x x Y n x x x n
        validrcptto.cdb           q-s C    Y Y Y Y Y n Y n n Y
        magic-smtpd builtin       -   C    n x x x Y n x x x Y

                                           +--uses qmail-local logic
        Dynamic (real time) checking       | +--queries daemon
                                           | | +--supports users/assign
                                           | | | +--supports local users(getpw)
                                           | | | | +--.qmail-default
                                           | | | | | +--.qmail-ext-default
                                           | | | | | | +--vpopmail
                                           | | | | | | | +--ezmlm
                                           | | | | | | | | +--bouncesaying
                                           | | | | | | | | | +-- cdb files
                                  for lang V V V V V V V V V V
        qmail-realrcptto          q-s C    Y n Y P Y Y n I n Y
        check_delivery            qp  perl Y n Y Y Y P Y ? n Y
        vpopmail_check_recipient  spp sh   n n n n P P Y Y n x
        local_check_recipient     spp sh   n n n P Y P n n n N
        check_recipient           spp perl n n P P Y P n I n N
        vpopmail-check-user       m-s sh   n n n n n n Y n n x
        qmail-verify              q-s C    Y Y Y Y Y Y n I n Y
        check_qmail_deliverable   qp  perl Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I P N

       q-s is qmail-smtpd, qp is qpsmtpd, spp is qmail-spp, m-s is magic-smtpd

       Y = yes, n = no, I = implied by .qmail-ext-default, P = partial, x =
       not applicable

I will release a more verbose document with a future version of
Qmail::Deliverable, and this comparison document will be called
Met vriendelijke groet,  Kind regards,  Korajn salutojn,

  Juerd Waalboer:  Perl hacker  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <>
  Convolution:     ICT solutions and consultancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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