Hi everybody,

I've one little thought to add to the plugin model discussion:

On Jun 20, 2009, at 12:29 AM, Chris Lewis wrote:

Jared Johnson wrote:

The following general model for all my filtering plugins looks like this.

[...detailed description...]

The model works by setting the notes "reason" for _why_ you want to block the email, and once set, it shuts off all subsequent filtering.

You really can't get much simpler than that.

I use the exact same model for whitelisting, except that it uses a different note.

Then, a subsequent plugin decides to DENY or not by something like this:

if ($transaction->notes{reason} && !$transaction->notes{whitelist}) {
        return DENY;

One log line for every email that contains everything there is to know about the email. Since the reasons are a common format, post- processing the logs to derive reason effectiveness (right down to which entry in which config file triggered it) is trivial.

You can design more complex systems that allow you to parameterize the "behaviour on hit" stuff. Eg: all the stuff about rejecting, when to reject, whether to include the reason note in the reject, quarantine, forwarding, marking, etcetera.

What it would take would be coming up with a model, perhaps some library support, and converting all of the plugins to it. Most plugins would become much simpler. They generally wouldn't need their own whitelisting mechanisms at all, and you don't have to configure their hit behaviour either.

I strongly believe that one of qpsmtpd's biggest impediments to broad deployment is the adhoc/inconsistent nature of the plugin suite, particularly all the inconsistent configuration directives. Another thing is the essentially useless logging (the released qpsmtpd doesn't even include logterse I think).

You can't build an "enterprise level" MTA out of the current plugin suite. You have to recode them all for consistent behaviour and construct your own logging. The qpsmtpd _core_, on the other hand, is just fine as is ;-)

I completely agree, most notably with the last point. We have started to implement a completely new set of plugins ourselves that uses a quite similar model.

What should be considered, when talking about switching to such a (even if only slightly) more complicated model: it makes the start with Qpsmtpd more difficult. I consider the simplicity of the plugin scheme one of the major strengths of qp. I can just install it and tweak one or two examples and have a first running system. Interdependence would add complexity and make that more difficult.

Thus, while I agree that it would be nice to have a common model (however, I would opt for a slightly more sophisticated one as mentioned, e.g. something as what policyd-weight does for postfix, for example), I would leave the basis of the current plugins untouched. That keeps the barrier for newbies low.

One could however offer a alternate standard set of plugins implementing the discussed ideas, I think.


((( Baltasar Cevc

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