Hi Niels,

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On Nov 3, 2010, at 1:59 PM, ext Niels Mayer wrote:

> [I forgot to send this to meego-dev -- as this is developer related,
> please post replies to meego-dev]
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Niels Mayer <nielsma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A few weeks ago, Quim Gil posted a request to port Youtube-direct to
>> some meego lists and IRC:
>>> Qt Quick developer wanted to develop openly a port of
>>> http://code.google.com/p/youtube-direct/ - documenting the experience
>>> dealing with YouTube APIs and Android code. The prize will be an N900 to
>>> test and a dose of fame in the MeeGo, YouTube and Google developer
>>> communities.
>> As I lack a N900, and can apply my experience in the myriad divergent
>> underlying technoligies employed in the youtube-direct, I'm putting
>> forward my intention to lead this project, which is clearly more than
>> a "one person" project in scope. In return, I'm hoping to gain some
>> practical experience in using QtQuick/QML and developing "hybrid"
>> web/media handheld apps on Meego. I'm working on a java-based
>> web-application which will eventually make use of Youtube API's (
>> http://nielsmayer.com/trainspodder-prototype.jpg
>> http://nielsmayer.com/ts-episode-timeline.png ) and for which I intend
>> to build a handheld interface in Meego employing both AJAX-style
>> JavaScript Browser-Based UIs, combined with native linux
>> functionality, to enable tightly-synchronized audio/video&hypermedia
>> -- both for playback and upload.
>> My initial analysis is that porting
>> http://youtube-direct.googlecode.com for Meego will be more complex
>> than necessary if we take a direct path in creating something
>> competitive with http://ytd-android.googlecode.com and
>> http://ytd-iphone.googlecode.com .  There's a certain
>> Rube-Goldbergification that happens when you split up your apps AJAX
>> style -- see the considerable amount of setup needed to get the
>> google-app-engine part working (
>> http://groups.google.com/group/youtube-api-gdata/browse_thread/thread/a67cd4a41692a6ec/f9f40268137bc742
>> ). Additionally, there's the dependency on Eclipse IDE, which becomes
>> impractical given that QtCreator is Meego's IDE. Ultimately, all the
>> "java cloud" gives you for this app is performance problems that
>> cannot easily be resolved:
>> (  http://groups.google.com/group/youtube-api-gdata/msg/ada27fc26a08b78e
>>  ). And the "cloud" is totally unnecessary, since Java is performing
>> computations that could easily be carried out by a Qt4 app running on
>> a handheld using traditional REST web programming style.
>> The first question to ask in such a project is whether youtube-direct
>> is even solving the right problem given the strength of the client
>> platform provided by Linux and Qt?
>> Is this "java cloud" approach  even necessary, or is it a "wart"
>> associated with AJAX style UIs? IMHO simple REST (
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer ) should
>> handle it. For example
>> http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/QtMobilityYouPlayer makes use of
>> the Youtube API, but doesn't require a app-engine back-end to host the
>> application. Unlike AJAX-style programming, the decision of how much
>> processing can be done locally versus "in the cloud" isn't already
>> pre-chosen for you and the application architecture doesn't end up
>> being twisted to suit the security limitations of the client. Other,
>> much-simpler implementations of Youtube-direct exist which don't need
>> google-app-engine at all, e.g.:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/youtube-api-gdata/browse_thread/thread/670c6a0867ca3852/45e97f0feb2e7244
>> ("Youtube Direct Upload with clientlogin :: PHP without client library")
>> http://groups.google.com/group/youtube-api-gdata/browse_thread/thread/280115751a3ba86/cd76b66db7e797ce
>> ("Delete a playlist with PHP (You must specify an URI to which to
>> post) Options").
>> If we do go with the approach of a "direct" port employing all the
>> browser-based AJAX code, then does it make sense to use
>> http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Hybrid_Application_Generator ?
>> It's clear this kind of AJAX-based application needs an integrated
>> javascript-enabled browser (QtWeb) and additional code support  for
>> "platform natitve"  audio/video uploading, audio/video playback,
>> GPS/geotagging etc. Alternately, I've also been told to investigate
>> the  QML bindings for QtMobility Media APIs.
>> For "baseline functionality" lets consider what "Android YTD mobile
>> uploader" does:
>> ( 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/youtube-api-gdata/browse_thread/thread/17020651ef1aa52b/64a0a0a9031766d2
>> )
>> * Integration with Android's Account Manager for ease of authentication (the
>> application prompts the user to select a configured Google / Gmail account
>> on the mobile device)
>> * Automatic synchronization of assignment list (submission ideas) from the
>> YouTube Direct JSON assignment feed
>> * Notification display upon discovery of new assignments
>> * Video recording and upload to a specific submission idea
>> * Upload of a video selected from the gallery
>> * Geolocation tagging of submitted videos
>> ------- ------ ----- -----
>> As a starting point around which to organize these issues, discuss
>> features, and implementation strategies, I propose to start a project
>> on
>> http://googlecode.com for porting the features and functionality of
>> YouTube-direct to Meego. As I believe the scope of this effort is
>> larger than any single person can provide, it makes sense to start it
>> as an open-source project and seek contributions from the community.
>> First order of business is the name:
>> (1) http://meetube.googlecode.com
>>  -- My preferred project name: memorable & short & humorous.
>>  -- Since project ultimately may not take "direct" approach used by
>> youtube-direct, don't want to name it "youtube direct"
>>  -- maybe someone from marketing won't like it or it violates some
>> trademark on "mee" or "tube" :-)
>> (2) http://ytd-meego.googlecode.com
>>  -- parallel name to http://ytd-android.googlecode.com and
>> http://ytd-iphone.googlecode.com
>>  -- but may not even want to use "youtube-direct" approach and just
>> make use of Youtube API from Qt4.
>> With the name chosen, the next step will be to generate a set of
>> issue-tracker feature requests ("Type-Enhancement")  -- one per major
>> feature
>> of "Android YTD mobile uploader" app mentioned above. Also, will
>> create issue-tracker requests ("Type-Review") to organize issues,
>> positions and arguments for/against implementation strategies: (i)
>> "hybrid application" employing QtWeb; (ii) QtQuick/QML ; (iii)
>> Standard Qt4 app that issues and responds to web-requests without
>> needing a "browser", e.g.
>> http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/QtMobilityYouPlayer ; (iv) A
>> more direct port of "ytd-android" or "ytd-iphone."
>> Please send mail if you want to be added as contributor or committer
>> on the googlecode project.
>> Niels
>> http://nielsmayer.com
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