Linus Stridbeck <> wrote:

> I came across very inexpensive HP computers:
> HP ProBook 430 G2
> HP EliteBook 820
> They both have i3 procesor and I wonder if someone tried ryning Qubes on one 
> of them?

I'm typing this on an 820 G3 with an i5 6200u cpu. Once I've had a bit more of 
a chance to play I'll post a proper HCL entry.

My existing 3.2 install has no problems booting on the machine, the features 
needed for 4 are supported (SLAT/EPT and interrupt remapping), but I haven't 
tested 4. The CPU should support 32gb, but the manual states 16gb is the max, I 
currently have one 16gb stick in one ram slot and this works fine. 
Virtualisation needed to be turned on in the BIOS.

Unlike older Elitebooks, it only seems to have a single USB controller, which 
is a pity, as it seems to mean ports, webcam and fingerprint reader are on the 
same controller, a pity as machine has interrupt remapping.

Issues I'm currently working through:

Screen brightness cannot be controlled using f5/f6 keys, however the brightness 
slider available from the power manager on the xfce system tray does control it.

Webcam doesn't seem to work with cheese in fedora 26, light on webcam flashes 
then cheese exits. 

Screen backlight stays on when screen is locked.

If you're looking at an older 820 with an i3, check the processor at ark it's quite likely it may be missing some of the features 
required for Qubes / Qubes 4.


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