On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 08:52:20AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Dec 2013, Martin Quinson wrote:
> > I took all of your suggestions and added a small test case. It does
> > not test what happens with binary diffs because I could not think of
> > how to generate a binary file in a portable manner, but uses chmod -r.
> Maybe something like this ?
> printf "\x02\x00\x01" >binary
> I don't know if that construct is portable, but printf should be.

That's a good idea! And yes, it is portable, <side_note>as we use
printf for every message that must be translated, as in 

  printf $"File %s not found\n" "$tarball"

If we do $"File $tarball not found\n", the filename is expended before
we look into translation catalog, defeating the lookup.
<side_note>it is not portable, but we do depend on bash</side_note>
</side note>

But unfortunately, I fail to put your idea into practice because I
fail to get the right parsing in the test file. If the test file reads
        $ printf "\x02\x00\x01" > test
I get x02x00x01 in the diff. I tried several combination, in vain.

Jean, you just rewrote the main loop and variable substitution parts
of test/run. Do you have an idea of how to fix that too, please?

Thanks for your time,

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