Greetings -

I am trying to document the "value" section of a function.  The function
returns a list, but the list itself also has attributes.  I would like to
itemize the list entries, and itemize the attributes, but in between I would
like to have a sentence or two about the attributes in general.  However,
for some reason this intermediate sentence won't show up in the compiled
version, so that it appears the attributes are all just elements in the
returned list.  Something is making the assumption that the itemized list
must be uninterrupted, and I don't know the code to tell it not to do that.
I presume it is a very easy fix, but I haven't been able to get at it.

I pasted some example explanatory Rd code below.

-Ben Bryant

%%%%% Just the Value Section:

Here I have a paragraph giving the general description of the output form.
Then I have an itemized list describing the elements.

   \item{listobject1}{Description of list object 1}
   \item{listobject2}{Description of list object 2}
  %... etc
   \item{lastlistobject}{Description of the last list object}

THEN, here I have a general description of the attributes, and the text
represented by this sentence is what doesn't show up, because it's in
between more of an itemized list.

   \item{attribute1}{details of attribute 1}
   \item{attribute 2}{details of attribute 2}

Then I have text here, and this text does show up.


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