
I think it must be some problem on my computer, it happens for all my packages in R CMD check. I don't use TeX for anything else (if I can avoid it), therefore it might be something stupid that a regular TeX-user would never think about. However, it can't be a completely wrong setup of MikTeX, since direct application of pdflatex to pkg-manual.tex works without problems.

Best regards,

Uwe Ligges schrieb:

I just upgraded to the full MikTeX 2.8 distribution from today (still on 2.7 before) and checking my tuneR package worked fine.
Hence  Which package are you referring to?

Best wishes,

On 25.04.2010 18:57, Ulrike Grömping wrote:
Dear DevelopeRs,

the issue I am stuck with (I am on Windows, R-2.11): My Miktex (version
2.8) does not work with R CMD check, although Miktex on its own can
pdflatex the tex-file in the Rcheck directory. (This issue has been
going on for a while, and now, after having updated to R-2.11, I finally
want to get it fixed.) Although I have found several similar posts, none
of the answers appears to solve my problem, which seems to be
path-related. In case it is relevant: in the past, I did have issues
with paths to "my documents" because these contain a German Umlaut on my
computer, which is why I moved all R packages to the directory c:/rtests.

I would appreciate any help on this issue. The relevant portion of R CMD
check and the content of Rdlatex.log are included below.

Best regards,

The end of the R CMD check output looks like this:

* checking PDF version of manual ... WARNING
LaTeX errors when creating PDF version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
* checking PDF version of manual without index ... ERROR
LaTeX error when running command:
Rcmd.exe Rd2dvi --batch --no-preview --pdf
--build-dir=C:/WINDOWS/Temp/Rd2dvi611638299 --no-clean --no-index -o
DoE.base-manual.pdf >/dev/null 2>&1 C:/rtests/DoE.base.Rcheck/DoE.base
Re-running with no redirection of stdout/stderr.

The file Rdlatex.log contains the following text:

Hmm ... looks like a package
latex.exe: A required file system path could not be retrieved.
latex.exe: Data: 28
Creating pdf output from LaTeX ...
pdflatex.exe: A required file system path could not be retrieved.
pdflatex.exe: Data: 28
Error in running pdflatex command ('pdflatex')
You may want to clean up by 'rm -rf C:/WINDOWS/Temp/Rd2dvi611638299'

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