A slightly better scaling is the following:

par.scale <- c(1.e06, 1.e06, 1.e-05, 1)  # "q" is scaled differently 

> SPoptim <- optim(pars, SPsse, B=d$catch, CPE=d$cpe, control=list(maxit=1500, 
> parscale=par.scale))
> SPoptim
          B0            K            q            r 
7.320899e+05 1.159939e+06 1.485560e-04 4.051735e-01 

[1] 1619.482

function gradient 
     585       NA 

[1] 0


Note that the Nelder-Mead converges in half the number of iterations compared 
to that under previous scaling.


Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University

Ph. (410) 502-2619
email: rvarad...@jhmi.edu

----- Original Message -----
From: Ravi Varadhan <rvarad...@jhmi.edu>
Date: Sunday, June 27, 2010 0:42 am
Subject: Re: [R] optim() not finding optimal values
To: Derek Ogle <do...@northland.edu>
Cc: "R (r-help@R-project.org)" <r-help@r-project.org>

> Derek,
>  The problem is that your function is poorly scaled.   You can see 
> that the parameters vary over 10 orders of magnitude (from 1e-04 to 
> 1e06).   You can get good convergence once you properly scale your 
> function.  Here is how you do it:
>  par.scale <- c(1.e06, 1.e06, 1.e-06, 1.0)
>  SPoptim <- optim(pars, SPsse, B=d$catch, CPE=d$cpe, 
> control=list(maxit=1500, parscale=par.scale))
>  > SPoptim
>  $par
>            B0            K            q            r 
>  7.329553e+05 1.160097e+06 1.484375e-04 4.050476e-01 
>  $value
>  [1] 1619.487
>  $counts
>  function gradient 
>      1401       NA 
>  $convergence
>  [1] 0
>  $message
>  Hope this helps,
>  Ravi.
>  ____________________________________________________________________
>  Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
>  Assistant Professor,
>  Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
>  School of Medicine
>  Johns Hopkins University
>  Ph. (410) 502-2619
>  email: rvarad...@jhmi.edu
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Derek Ogle <do...@northland.edu>
>  Date: Saturday, June 26, 2010 4:28 pm
>  Subject: [R] optim() not finding optimal values
>  To: "R (r-help@R-project.org)" <r-help@r-project.org>
>  > I am trying to use optim() to minimize a sum-of-squared deviations 
>  > function based upon four parameters.  The basic function is defined 
> as 
>  > ...
>  >  
>  >  SPsse <- function(par,B,CPE,SSE.only=TRUE)  {
>  >    n <- length(B)                             # get number of years 
> of 
>  > data
>  >    B0 <- par["B0"]                            # isolate B0 parameter
>  >    K <- par["K"]                              # isolate K parameter
>  >    q <- par["q"]                              # isolate q parameter
>  >    r <- par["r"]                              # isolate r parameter
>  >    predB <- numeric(n)
>  >    predB[1] <- B0
>  >    for (i in 2:n) predB[i] <- 
> predB[i-1]+r*predB[i-1]*(1-predB[i-1]/K)-B[i-1]
>  >    predCPE <- q*predB
>  >    sse <- sum((CPE-predCPE)^2)
>  >    if (SSE.only) sse
>  >      else list(sse=sse,predB=predB,predCPE=predCPE)
>  >  }
>  >  
>  >  My call to optim() looks like this
>  >  
>  >  # the data
>  >  d <- data.frame(catch= 
>  > 
> c(90000,113300,155860,181128,198584,198395,139040,109969,71896,59314,62300,65343,76990,88606,118016,108250,108674),
>  > 
> cpe=c(109.1,112.4,110.5,99.1,84.5,95.7,74.1,70.2,63.1,66.4,60.5,89.9,117.0,93.0,116.6,90.0,105.1))
>  >  
>  >  pars <- c(800000,1000000,0.0001,0.17)                   # put all 
>  > parameters into one vector
>  >  names(pars) <- c("B0","K","q","r")                      # name the 
> parameters
>  >  ( SPoptim <- optim(pars,SPsse,B=d$catch,CPE=d$cpe) )    # run optim()
>  >  
>  >  
>  >  This produces parameter estimates, however, that are not at the 
>  > minimum value of the SPsse function.  For example, these parameter 
>  > estimates produce a smaller SPsse,
>  >  
>  >  parsbox <- c(732506,1160771,0.0001484,0.4049)
>  >  names(parsbox) <- c("B0","K","q","r")        
>  >  ( res2 <- SPsse(parsbox,d$catch,d$cpe,SSE.only=FALSE) )
>  >  
>  >  Setting the starting values near the parameters shown in parsbox 
> even 
>  > resulted in a movement away from (to a larger SSE) those parameter 
> values.
>  >  
>  >  ( SPoptim2 <- optim(parsbox,SPsse,B=d$catch,CPE=d$cpe) )    # run 
> optim()
>  >  
>  >  
>  >  This "issue" most likely has to do with my lack of understanding 
> of 
>  > optimization routines but I'm thinking that it may have to do with 
> the 
>  > optimization method used, tolerance levels in the optim algorithm, 
> or 
>  > the shape of the surface being minimized.
>  >  
>  >  Ultimately I was hoping to provide an alternative method to 
> fisheries 
>  > biologists who use Excel's solver routine.
>  >  
>  >  If anyone can offer any help or insight into my problem here I 
> would 
>  > be greatly appreciative.  Thank you in advance.
>  >  
>  >  ______________________________________________
>  >  R-help@r-project.org mailing list
>  >  
>  >  PLEASE do read the posting guide 
>  >  and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
>  ______________________________________________
>  R-help@r-project.org mailing list
>  PLEASE do read the posting guide 
>  and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.

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