Hi Peter,


data.frame(n = names(res2), t(sapply(res2, function(l) l@fit$par.ests)))

for the first part.


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 12:16 AM, Peter Maclean <> wrote:

> I am estimating a large model by groups. How do you save the results
> and returns
> the associated quantiles?
> For this example I need a data frame
> n    xi        mu        beta
> 1   0.1033614  2.5389580 0.9092611
> 2   0.3401922  0.5192882 1.5290615
> 3   0.5130798  0.5668308 1.2105666
> I also want to apply gevrlevelPlot() for each "n" or group.
> #Example
> n <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,3)
> y <- c(2,3,2,3,4,5,6,1,0,0,0,6, 2, 1, 0, 0,9,3)
> z <- as.data.frame(cbind(n,y))
> colnames(z) <- c("n","y")
> library(fExtremes)
> z <- split(z, z$n)
> res2 <-lapply(z, function(x){
>                m <- as.numeric(x$y)
>                gevFit(m, block = 1, type = c("pwm"))
>                 })
> > res2
> $`1`
> Title:
>  GEV Parameter Estimation
> Call:
>  gevFit(x = m, block = 1, type = c("pwm"))
> Estimation Type:
>   gev pwm
> Estimated Parameters:
>        xi        mu      beta
> 0.1033614 2.5389580 0.9092611
> Description
>   Wed Jun 29 23:07:48 2011
> $`2`
> Title:
>  GEV Parameter Estimation
> Call:
>  gevFit(x = m, block = 1, type = c("pwm"))
> Estimation Type:
>   gev pwm
> Estimated Parameters:
>        xi        mu      beta
> 0.3401922 0.5192882 1.5290615
> Description
>   Wed Jun 29 23:07:48 2011
> $`3`
> Title:
>  GEV Parameter Estimation
> Call:
>  gevFit(x = m, block = 1, type = c("pwm"))
> Estimation Type:
>   gev pwm
> Estimated Parameters:
>        xi        mu      beta
> 0.5130798 0.5668308 1.2105666
> Description
>   Wed Jun 29 23:07:48 2011
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