On 23/01/2016 7:28 AM, Jean-Luc Dupouey wrote:
Dear members,

Not a technical question:

The number of threads in this mailing list, following a long period of
increase, has been regularly and strongly decreasing since 2010, passing
from more than 40K threads to less than 11K threads last year. The trend
is similar for most of the "ancient" mailing lists of the R-project. I
cannot imagine the total number of R-related inquiries on the Internet
decreased. It means that contributors have gone elsewhere. Indeed, in
the meantime, the number of R posts on stackoverflow passed from 2K to
100K between 2009 and 2015. Thus my question: what are the
specificities, the plus and minus of the R-project mailing lists, in
comparison with other lists, and especially in comparison with
stackoverflow? A lot of threads are duplicated on both lists, which
seems to me a little bit counterproductive.

I don't see duplication as counterproductive -- some people like one style, some like the other, both will find answers.

However, I think there is less duplication than you might think in many areas. Mailing lists are preferable when the people who are good at answering your questions use the mailing lists; Stackoverflow is preferable when the good answers are there.

I generally prefer the mailing lists, though I occasionally participate on Stackoverflow. The reasons I prefer them:

1. Permanence. If Stackoverflow shuts down tomorrow, all posts there will likely disappear. There are several locations that archive the mailing list posts. I have local copies of a few thousand posts on my own laptop.

2. Familiarity. I've been using the mailing lists for 20 years, and its easier to continue than to change. If you're more familiar with the Stackoverflow process, you'll probably prefer that.

3. Simplicity. This may be a repeat of 2, but the Stackoverflow distinction between answers and comments, it's gamification (badges, special privileges to high scorers, etc.) just seems unnecessarily ornate.

4. Interaction. The mailing lists are a series of conversations, whereas Stackoverflow is more like Wikipedia, i.e. a joint project to which you can contribute. (Maybe there are conversations on Stackoverflow as well, but I'm not a big enough user to know about them.)

If I look at my own recent record, I tend to answer far more questions on the mailing lists, but ask more on Stackoverflow. I think this is due to my original point: the experts in the topics I'm asking about are more likely to be there than here.

Duncan Murdoch

P.S. Your statistics are a little misleading: you counted threads in one R mailing list in one year, and cumulative questions in all R topics over 7 years in Stackoverflow, so the difference in traffic isn't as large as your numbers look at first glance. However, I think it is true that the mailing list traffic declined and Stackoverflow increased over that period.

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