The stored numbers are correct.  They are rounded on printing.
print(RevFCast, digits=17)

And scroll down to digits.

On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 11:50 Bill Poling <> wrote:

> Hi, Novice UsR here.
> I have a csv file that contains 13 columns of numeric data that have
> decimal places (for the most part).
> After reading in the file
> RevFCast = read.csv("RevAnalysisNov2016_April2018.csv", header=TRUE, dec =
> ".", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
> and viewing the data
> View(RevFCast)
> Some of the fields came in with the correct decimals and some not?
> The view in R:
> 5973157
> 1281576
> -39811.51
> -247443.9
> 994320.6
> 1534165
> 1384.30
> -95835.69
> 1439713
> 3910730
> -13913.00
> -357694.2
> 3539123
> 2
> Feb 2016 Totals:
> 2/28/2016
> 5159011
> 1231964
> -47356.74
> -372942.3
> 811664.5
> 1353568
> -14169.24
> -73436.06
> 1265963
> 3555562
> -29385.31
> -444792.8
> 3081384
> 3
> Mar 2016 Totals:
> 3/31/2016
> 6695767
> 1438387
> -49046.86
> -344080.8
> 1045259.4
> 1593530
> -1455.10
> -100240.36
> 1491835
> 4559655
> -39633.37
> -361349.6
> 4158672
> 4
> Apr 2016 Totals:
> 4/30/2016
> 6365359
> 1348557
> -41311.13
> -355586.2
> 951659.5
> 1437497
> -82397.77
> -78918.26
> 1276181
> 4547723
> -23487.13
> -386717.5
> 4137519
> 5
> May 2016 Totals:
> 5/31/2016
> 6495219
> 1207522
> -79063.98
> -458998.8
> 669458.9
> 1789405
> -15564.42
> -71763.56
> 1702078
> 4689307
> -18202.86
> -547422.1
> 4123682
> 6
> Jun 2016 Totals:
> 6/30/2016
> 7226302
> 1408744
> -43916.59
> -378086.4
> 986741.1
> 1502112
> 1808.77
> -83735.15
> 1420186
> 5394970
> -57335.49
> -518259.2
> 4819375
> 7
> Jul 2016 Totals:
> 7/31/2016
> 6835273
> 1374085
> -16746.33
> -333994.2
> 1023344.8
> 1533915
> -29776.31
> -34898.95
> 1469240
> 4786363
> -26061.45
> -417613.8
> 4342688
> But the dput indicates that the values that have decimals are correct?
> For example "TotalNetRev" row 1 in View = 5973157 however, as you can see
> below in the dput the value is 5973156.76
> Am I to believe that the true values in the CSV file are present in the R
> data or not?
> When I create a DF I see the decimals are similar to the view? 5973157 vs.
> 5973156.76
> tmp <- data.frame(RevFCast)
> > tmp
>                Date      Month TotalNetRev ClaimEditNew ClaimEditAdjusted
> ClaimEditCancelled ClaimEditNetRev  BRANew BRAAdjusted BRACancelled
> BRANetRev  OONNew OONAdjusted
> 1  Jan 2016 Totals:  1/31/2016     5973157      1281576         -39811.51
>         -247443.9        994320.6 1534165     1384.30    -95835.69
>  1439713 3910730   -13913.00
> 2  Feb 2016 Totals:  2/28/2016     5159011      1231964         -47356.74
>         -372942.3        811664.5 1353568   -14169.24    -73436.06
>  1265963 3555562   -29385.31
> dput(RevFCast)
> structure(list(Date = c("Jan 2016 Totals:", "Feb 2016 Totals:",
> "Mar 2016 Totals:", "Apr 2016 Totals:", "May 2016 Totals:", "Jun 2016
> Totals:",
> "Jul 2016 Totals:", "Aug 2016 Totals:", "Sep 2016 Totals:", "Oct 2016
> Totals:",
> "Nov 2016 Totals:", "Dec 2016 Totals:", "Jan 2017 Totals:", "Feb 2017
> Totals:",
> "Mar 2017 Totals:", "Apr 2017 Totals:", "May 2017 Totals:", "Jun 2017
> Totals:",
> "Jul 2017 Totals:", "Aug 2017 Totals:", "Sep 2017 Totals:", "Oct 2017
> Totals:",
> "Nov 2017 Totals:", "Dec 2017 Totals:", "Jan 2018 Totals:", "Feb 2018
> Totals:",
> "Mar 2018 Totals:", "Apr 2018 Totals:"), Month = c("1/31/2016",
> "2/28/2016", "3/31/2016", "4/30/2016", "5/31/2016", "6/30/2016",
> "7/31/2016", "8/31/2016", "9/30/2016", "10/31/2016", "11/30/2016",
> "12/31/2016", "1/31/2017", "2/28/2017", "3/31/2017", "4/30/2017",
> "5/31/2017", "6/30/2017", "7/31/2017", "8/31/2017", "9/30/2017",
> "10/31/2017", "11/30/2017", "12/31/2017", "1/31/2018", "2/28/2018",
> "3/31/2018", "4/30/2018"), TotalNetRev = c(5973156.76, 5159011.2,
> 6695766.64, 6365359, 6495218.53, 7226302.39, 6835272.7, 7383501.57,
> 6962748.19, 7623278.72, 7274994.33, 7919421.8, 7360740.81, 7436693.35,
> 8545765.55, 7337269.76, 8180585.44, 8376635.05, 7758261.24, 10374641.22,
> 8000314.11, 9114958.9, 9805149.15, 9336939.45, 10273849.1, 9159308.71,
> 10184703.33, 10251153.52), ClaimEditNew = c(1281575.96, 1231963.62,
> 1438387.07, 1348556.82, 1207521.76, 1408744.12, 1374085.33, 1544344,
> 1503967.3, 1507951.17, 1674381.12, 1793541.37, 1570560.29, 1438120.34,
> 1639998.72, 1382722.43, 1574674.27, 1626413.88, 1461438.39, 1780951.91,
> 1552983.02, 1837094.37, 1763023.4, 1798810.59, 1875755.41, 1589429.36,
> 1962239.1, 2110252.02), ClaimEditAdjusted = c(-39811.51, -47356.74,
> -49046.86, -41311.13, -79063.98, -43916.59, -16746.33, -38347.9,
> -84797.44, -38961.44, -72036.83, -62854.78, -35259.84, -44198.39,
> -34262.65, -49245.82, -34977.28, -36797.35, -47534.43, -33515.13,
> -25764.41, -29130.53, -57693.63, -51026.83, -49624.49, -36508.13,
> -32667.21, -37900.5), ClaimEditCancelled = c(-247443.87, -372942.34,
> -344080.78, -355586.21, -458998.84, -378086.44, -333994.18, -567024.45,
> -521499.8, -428915.13, -512034.28, -440865.42, -347494.22, -422436.19,
> -444588.65, -462891.57, -518395.47, -373818.5, -398899.53, -381573.69,
> -531449.2, -476238.48, -434296.86, -655679.94, -528999.52, -423725.95,
> -556977.31, -518633.95), ClaimEditNetRev = c(994320.58, 811664.54,
> 1045259.43, 951659.48, 669458.94, 986741.09, 1023344.82, 938971.65,
> 897670.06, 1040074.6, 1090310.01, 1289821.17, 1187806.23, 971485.76,
> 1161147.42, 870585.04, 1021301.52, 1215798.03, 1015004.43, 1365863.09,
> 995769.41, 1331725.36, 1271032.91, 1092103.82, 1297131.4, 1129195.28,
> 1372594.58, 1553717.57), BRANew = c(1534164.71, 1353568.09, 1593530.36,
> 1437496.77, 1789405.49, 1502112.48, 1533915.37, 1577119.44, 1675114.78,
> 1806743.02, 1768146.96, 1890956.35, 1543461.91, 1681545.83, 2035479.51,
> 1751531.76, 1718257.45, 1752827.66, 1747981.87, 1951933.29, 1670757.51,
> 1885995.3, 2251822.03, 2005832.91, 1754410.67, 1492373.55, 2091430.93,
> 2228246.29), BRAAdjusted = c(1384.3, -14169.24, -1455.1, -82397.77,
> -15564.42, 1808.77, -29776.31, -62641.51, -15418.52, -6170.87,
> -14208.48, -43046.76, -43853.35, -53907.65, -29729.62, -47990.07,
> 54674.99, 4029.92, -48323.28, 35197.06, -97430.56, -48994.68,
> -49803.5, -12870.97, -33126.07, -27147.19, -9559.51, -37699.07
> ), BRACancelled = c(-95835.69, -73436.06, -100240.36, -78918.26,
> -71763.56, -83735.15, -34898.95, -98622.59, -66763.2, -184645.76,
> -85494.47, -94503.59, -143120.57, -49829.96, -99636.61, -108242.24,
> -101192.2, -60214.25, -208992.81, -49769.11, -93133.14, -160933.77,
> -197905.84, -194055.39, -101310.71, -185137.96, -204476.75, -149305.62
> ), BRANetRev = c(1439713.32, 1265962.79, 1491834.9, 1276180.74,
> 1702077.51, 1420186.1, 1469240.11, 1415855.34, 1592933.06, 1615926.39,
> 1668444.01, 1753406, 1356487.99, 1577808.22, 1906113.28, 1595299.45,
> 1671740.24, 1696643.33, 1490665.78, 1937361.24, 1480193.81, 1676066.85,
> 2004112.69, 1798906.55, 1619973.89, 1280088.4, 1877394.67, 2041241.6
> ), OONNew = c(3910730.05, 3555561.93, 4559655.25, 4547723.46,
> 4689306.99, 5394969.91, 4786362.98, 5668186.11, 5294251.33, 5576123.33,
> 5115861.78, 5627184.08, 5521404.85, 5473811.77, 6507273.34, 5545007.69,
> 6446159.89, 6267921.46, 6299399.33, 7647395.08, 6300382.23, 7160174.41,
> 7579884.41, 7504770.29, 8105827.46, 7572040.64, 7736328.29, 7495161.98
> ), OONAdjusted = c(-13913, -29385.31, -39633.37, -23487.13, -18202.86,
> -57335.49, -26061.45, -60880.07, -17589.45, -35970.08, -89133.94,
> -84694.58, -31724.89, -29847.95, -65421.74, -34334.22, -48511.98,
> -30298.97, -38729.46, -29292.89, -46098.4, -65909.49, -85879.23,
> -71845.28, -69017.07, -93161.03, -70847.29, -85106.04), OONCancelled =
> c(-357694.19,
> -444792.75, -361349.57, -386717.55, -547422.05, -518259.22, -417613.76,
> -578631.46, -804516.81, -572875.52, -510487.53, -666294.87, -673233.37,
> -556564.45, -963346.75, -639288.2, -910104.23, -773428.8, -1008078.84,
> -546685.3, -729932.94, -987098.23, -964001.63, -986995.93, -680066.58,
> -728854.58, -730766.92, -753861.59), OONNetRev = c(3539122.86,
> 3081383.87, 4158672.31, 4137518.78, 4123682.08, 4819375.2, 4342687.77,
> 5028674.58, 4472145.07, 4967277.73, 4516240.31, 4876194.63, 4816446.59,
> 4887399.37, 5478504.85, 4871385.27, 5487543.68, 5464193.69, 5252591.03,
> 7071416.89, 5524350.89, 6107166.69, 6530003.55, 6445929.08, 7356743.81,
> 6750025.03, 6934714.08, 6656194.35)), .Names = c("Date", "Month",
> "TotalNetRev", "ClaimEditNew", "ClaimEditAdjusted", "ClaimEditCancelled",
> "ClaimEditNetRev", "BRANew", "BRAAdjusted", "BRACancelled", "BRANetRev",
> "OONNew", "OONAdjusted", "OONCancelled", "OONNetRev"), class =
> "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
> -28L))
> Since I lack experience, I'd Just like to be sure what I have is what I
> read in?
> Thank you for any advice.
> William H. Poling, Ph.D., MPH
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