
Im package gss there are functions for tps, see "ssanova".



On Thu, 2003-01-09 at 08:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello, I'm a student at the University of Klagenfurt / Austria and I 
> need some help !
> I have to predict 24 daily load-values.
> Therefor I got a dataset with following colums:
> 24 past daily load-values
> 6  past daily temperature-values
> My goal is to find a model (GAM with thin plate splines) in R.
> I found the function "gam" in the R-library "mgcv", but it just fits 
> one-dimensial splines.
> So my question is, either if it's possible to modify this function, if yes
> how, or if there is another function that gives me a solution ?
> Please send me a mail, if you can help me !
> Thanks
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Ernesto Jardim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Marine Biologist
Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries
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