?title says

     ...: further graphical parameters from `par'.  Use e.g.,
          `col.main' or `cex.sub' instead of just `col' or `cex'.

And it is *really* time you upgraded your 13-month-old R, especially as it 
is a 1.x.0 release.

On Fri, 30 May 2003, Jacob Wegelin wrote:

> Is there a way to specify the color of the main title, the subtitle, or
> the axis labels?  I mean, for instance, something like
> title(main="cougar", col=2)
> For me, the above command produces the color black; that is, the "col"
> argument has no effect.

So why not look up the help on title?

> I'm on a Windows 2000 machine with
> > version
>          _
> platform i386-pc-mingw32
> arch     i386
> os       mingw32
> system   i386, mingw32
> status
> major    1
> minor    5.0
> year     2002
> month    04
> day      29
> language R
> Thanks for any advice
> Jake
> Jacob A. Wegelin, Ph.D.
> Adjunct Assistant Professor
> Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Univ. California
> One Shields Ave, TB-168
> Davis CA 95616-8638 USA
> TEL 530.752.2793
> FAX 530.752.3239
> http://wegelin.ucdavis.edu/
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