
is your friend.  Write out dataobjects with different filenames.

Johanna Hardin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When I submit more than one batch file (same programs, different parameter
> values, huge simulations, different result names) the only results that get
> saved are from the *last* batch file to finish.  They are all being run in
> the same subdirectory (so same .RData file?)
> I've done:
> R --save BATCH infile outfile
> and I've also put
> q(save="yes") 
> at the end of the program, but it will still only save results from one
> program.  Is there any way to get all the results to save without putting
> each of the batch files in a separate directory?
> Thanks, Jo
> Johanna Hardin
> Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
> Pomona College
> (909) 607-8717
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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