
thanks for quick reply. at first look I thought it is what I need,
but, unfortunately, it doesn't applied to original data - it
creates new data with loosing original indexes ! I want to keep indexes
of original data, but replace original data with $mids of corresponding

So, if I have z = 1:10, t=hist(z,plot=F)
> z
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
> t$breaks
[1]  0  2  4  6  8 10
> t$mids
[1] 1 3 5 7 9

I want z=c(1,1,3,3,5,5,7,7,9,9)


On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Erin Hodgess wrote:

> Hello Oleg!
> Do you mean something like this, please?
> > z <- rnorm(15)
> > z
>  [1] -0.36888946  0.34271755 -0.47761843 -0.58402557  0.05393014  0.69234710
> 2.04861420  1.41823938 -0.57638598  1.51090023
> [11] -0.71616401  0.19227347 -0.19348506 -0.63082326 -0.64346621
> > z1 <- hist(z,plot=F)
> > z1$breaks
> [1] -1.0 -0.5  0.0  0.5  1.0  1.5  2.0  2.5
> > table(cut(z,z1$breaks))
> (-1,-0.5]  (-0.5,0]   (0,0.5]   (0.5,1]   (1,1.5]   (1.5,2]   (2,2.5]
>         5         3         3         1         1         1         1
> Hope this helps!
> Sincerely,
> Erin Hodgess
> Associate Professor
> Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
> University of Houston - Downtown
> From: Oleg Bartunov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have numeric vector z and I want to factorize it using z$breaks
> which I got from histograms breaks. Is there an elegant way to do this ?
> I, probably, could write a loop and check if z hits into some interval
> and replace z with value of z$mids, but I suspect there is more
> R-ish way.
>       Regards,
>               Oleg
> _____________________________________________________________
> Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
> Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
> Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83

Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83

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