Dear list members,


I apologize for putting this (probably) very basic question on the
mailing list. I have scanned through the R website (using search) but
did not found an answer. 


(code included below)


A factor matrix is simply extracted (which can then subsequently be
exported using write.table) by FACT$loadings[1:6,]. 

I would also like to specifically extract and export "proportion var",
but unfortunately are not succesful after attempting different ways
(str(FACT) did not help me). 

Any suggestions/comments are appreciated.


Kind regards,
Robin Smit



> FACT <- factanal(HATCO, 2, rotation = "none")

factanal(x = HATCO, factors = 2, rotation = "none")

   x1    x2    x3    x4    x6    x7 
0.498 0.568 0.477 0.111 0.298 0.526 

   Factor1 Factor2
x1          0.709 
x2  0.326  -0.570 
x3 -0.166   0.704 
x4  0.941         
x6  0.829   0.118 
x7  0.267  -0.634 

               Factor1 Factor2
SS loadings      1.778   1.743
Proportion Var   0.296   0.291
Cumulative Var   0.296   0.587

Test of the hypothesis that 2 factors are sufficient.
The chi square statistic is 3.98 on 4 degrees of freedom.
The p-value is 0.409 

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