Thanks for this (and everyone else's!) responses!  I really appreciate it.
You've all given me a lot of potential workarounds.


p.s., I suspect this will apply to Firefox, GIMP,, and all the other
great OS tools I use on a daily basis.

On 5/19/06, Marc Schwartz (via MN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 17:59 -0300, Rogerio Porto wrote:
> > While reading the various answers, I've remembered that
> > the juridic part can't be that so simple. If I'm not fogeting
> > something, there are some packages in R that has a more
> > restrictive licence than GPL.
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > Rogerio.
> Any CRAN packages (or other R packages not on CRAN) that have
> "non-commercial" use restrictions, likely would not be able to be used
> by the OP anyway, even prior to this new policy.
> So I suspect that this would be a non-issue.
> If Damien's employer is willing to accept the GPL license (probably the
> most significant issue) and feels the need to pay for "something", they
> could make an appropriate donation to the R Foundation. Perhaps even
> secure a little PR benefit for having done so.
> Is Damien's employer allowing the use of Firefox instead of IE?
> If so, the precedent within the confines of the policy has been set
> already. Firefox is GPL, free and no CD.
> There is an awful lot of "commercial" software out there than can be
> purchased online, "properly licensed" and downloaded, without the need
> for a physical CD. Anti-virus software perhaps being the most notable
> example.
> So:
>   License:             GPL
>   CD:                  Don't need one
>   Purchase:            Donation to the R Foundation
>   Being able to use R: Priceless
> :-)
> HTH,
> Marc Schwartz

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