Hello all

I haven't got the npmc package to work yet, despite several attempts. I'm
new to R, so this might be a stupid question, but it's taking me hours
already, so I'm asking for help.

To be exact, this is what I typed, and what R told me:
> colsmall<-read.table("DBtest2")
> library(npmc)
> npmc(colsmall)
Error in as.vector(x, mode) : invalid 'mode' of argument
> small.data<-data.frame(class=colsmall$V1,var=colsmall$V2)
> small.data
      class   var
1     alpha 111.5
2     alpha 114.4
3     alpha 124.8
4     alpha 110.0
5     alpha 102.0
6     alpha 121.0
> npmc(small.data)
Error in uniroot(f = function(arg) p - z.dist(arg, corr = corr, df = df,  :
        f() values at end points not of opposite sign
The data file can be sent upon request.

What did I do wrong?

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