After having browsed the documentation for a while without discovering what I 
am looking for, maybe one of you would know ...

What I want to do:
I have two fortran files MC.f and ESCA.f. In MC.f there is a call to a routine 
called lpost. This routine (lpost) is defined (among other things) in ESCA.f. 
Under linux, I can do the following:
        R CMD SHLIB MC.f
        R CMD SHLIB ESCA.f
followed by
(see point LINUX for some more)

Under windows, trying to Rcmd SHLIB MC.f will either:
        also compile ESCA.f and then run dlltools with ESCA.o yielding one 
MC.dll (if ESCA.f is in the same directory as MC.f)
        or fail since the symbol lpost is missing.
In the first case, dyn.load("MC.dll") will then work.

What I would like to have under linux:
        MC and ESCA turned into separate shared libraries (.so or .dll) 
        be able to 
        dyn.load("", local=FALSE); dyn.load("")
        ... work work work ...
        and then
        dyn.unload(""); dyn.load("") which also contains 
the symbol lpost
        (so, I would like to unload the symbol lpost and replace it by 
something else)
        in the (good?) old times using S on unix running on a DECstation stuff 
like this was possible, but I never could get it working with R and linux.

In windows, I would like the same operation:
        dyn.load("ESCA.dll"); dyn.load("MC.dll")
        work work work
        and then 
        dyn.unload("ESCA.dll"); dyn.load("SomethingElse.dll") which also 
contains the symbol lpost
is this possible? I see that the parameters local and now are ignored in 
dyn.load for windows but I don't grasp the full meaning.

Summary questions:
1. what are the proper parameters for (Windows) Rcmd.exe SHLIB MC.f such that 
it does not complain about a non existing name "lpost"?
2. how can I unload the container of "lpost" such that I can replace it while R 
continues running (under Windows and Linux)?

Sorry for lengthy explanation.

Christian Ritter
Senior Statistical Consultant
Analytical and Statistical Services
Shell Coordination Centre S.A.
Monnet Centre International Laboratory, Avenue Jean Monnet 1, B-1348 
Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium

Tel: +32 10 477  349 Fax: +32 10 477 219

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