On 30 May 2010 at 13:25, Michael Friendly wrote:
| Thanks for this Johannes
| Johannes Ranke wrote:
| >> euclid: /etc/apt # apt-get -t unstable install r-base r-base-dev
| >>     
| >
| > Why did you use -t unstable? The distribution on CRAN for lenny is called 
| > lenny-cran, not unstable. 
| Because that's what it said to do at
| > http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian

Indeed. I am sure Johannes will correct this. 

| > Anyway, tagging should not be necessary. What does
| >
| > apt-cache policy r-base-core
| >
| > tell you? It should list both R 2.7.1 from lenny and R 2.11.0 from 
| >
| >   
|  % apt-cache policy r-base-core
| r-base-core:
|   Installed: 2.7.1-1+lenny1
|   Candidate: 2.7.1-1+lenny1
|   Version table:
|      2.11.0-2 0
|         200 http://debian.yorku.ca testing/main Packages
|      2.11.0-1~lennycran.0 0
|         500 http://cran.R-project.org lenny-cran/ Packages
|  *** 2.7.1-1+lenny1 0
|         900 http://debian.yorku.ca stable/main Packages
|         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

This shows that your computer knows about three sources of r-base-core.
Given you seem to prefer stable ("lenny"), how come we are seeing testing
there as well?

| So, does this mean I should do
| apt-get -t lenny-cran install r-base r-base-dev

That may work, yes.  I have been running testing, probably since we created
that branch, so I am not the best person to say what happens on a 'stable'
system but the invocation looks correct.

| (If the instructions on http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian
| are out of date, maybe someone should correct them.)

Sure. And feel free to provide a patch, for this or other aspects where you
see possible improvements. Changes are not falling from the sky, and we're
all volunteers.

  Regards, Dirk

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