Hi Johannes,

Thank you for your comments. I run
  sudo apt install -t bullseye-cran40 r-base

and have now the current R-4.0.0 in /usr/lib/R with links in the menus and R-devel R-4.1.0 in ~/patrice/svn/R/r-devel/build. Perfect.

I used sid just to get the full Texlive 2020. I will probably not update it for a while and have already removed (commented) the sid line in sources.list as I do not want to break my system with too much fresh libraries. Indeed, we want to be on the edge for a few software (R, Texlive) and are conservative for all other parts of the OS. Thanks for the tips on /etc/apt/preferences.

Regarding the key, you can probably move the section at the top of the documentation as it is a necessary step. The key currently mentionned in the instruction is: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key 'E19F5F87128899B192B1A2C2AD5F960A256A04AF'

but the one that worked for me (found in one comment in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10255082/installing-r-from-cran-ubuntu-repository-no-public-key-error) is:
 sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys

The length of digits is different. Maybe one is the shortest version of the other?


Dear Patrice,

thanks for sharing your experience with Debian based distributions. It is amazing how many distros you tested!

In your situation I would recommend apt pinning for installing texlive 2020 from Debian sid on Debian bullseye aka testing or related systems. Simply adding sid sources as you did will make your system upgrade to sid. It seems you partially upgraded some of your test systems to sid and were left with broken systems.

This will also apply to emmabuntü - if you just added the sid repository without editing /etc/apt/preferences, you will always pull packages from sid which may be ok for your use case, but you should be aware of it.

You would need to edit /etc/apt/preferences in order to tell apt to just use texlive from sid and the other packages from bullseye.

Regarding the command to add my key, this is actually there, but I believe it was too far down - I just moved the section on secure apt before the section on the different distributions. Thanks for the hint!

Regarding your attempt to use the backports for bullseye on CRAN for your Emmabuntüs system, chances are it would have worked if you would have used the command I am listing there (of course adding sudo):

  sudo apt install -t bullseye-cran40 r-base

instead of simply

  sudo apt install r-base

However, now you have the newest devel version compiled from sources for checking your packages on Linux which is nice as well!

Kind regards,


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