I have upgraded R (from 3.6 to 4.0) and RStudio (from 1.1 to 1.2.5) a few
days ago, and Ubuntu from 18.04 to 20.04 yesterday.

Since then, R sometimes never terminates when executing certain commands:
ivreg (from package AER), summary (of a logit regression) and logitmfx
(from package mfx). Sometimes these commands run fine, but most of the time
I have to kill the process because R won't terminate the execution, even
when pressing the red Stop button in RStudio or doing Ctrl + C when using R
in the terminal.

When I tried example('AER'), it worked fine. Then I re-installed the
package AER. It threw 10 warnings of type In readLines(file, skipNul =
TRUE) :  cannot open compressed file
'/usr/lib/R/site-library/[package]/DESCRIPTION', probable reason 'No such
file or directory' where [package] is abind, colorspace, dichromat... (but
not AER).

Since then example('AER') throws a warning: no help found for ‘AER’.

I've removed and reinstalled R 4.0: it didn't help. I've downgraded to R
3.6: it didn't help. I've tried both answering yes or No when asked to
install the packages in a personal library: none works. So I think the
problem comes from Ubuntu 20.04, and is related to this post:
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-debian/2020-April/003166.html. When I
reinstall packages, I have a bunch of warnings related to Fortran 2018 that
no longer support certain commands.

I hope someone can help.

Adrien Fabre

École d'Économie de Paris/Paris School of Economics – Université Paris 1

Page personnelle/Home page <http://sites.google.com/view/adrien-fabre>

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