After a clean install of R 4.0.0 (R-base only) on Mint 19.3, the directory /usr/lib/R/library/base/html is empty. However, the directory /usr/lib/R/library/boot/html contains files 00Index.html and R.css.

Correspondingly, the command help(package="base", help_type="html") produces the text "No package index found for package base". The same occurs when clicking on the "Index" link at the bottom of help pages for functions in this package. The command help(package="boot", help_type="html") displays the documentation index for the boot package, as expected.

The 00Index.html and R.css files are missing also for the compiler, datasets, graphics, grDevices, grid, methods, parallel, splines, stats, stats4, tcltk, tools, utils packages, but are present for all other packages in the base distribution.

Can anyone else reproduce this, or is it some peculiarity of my setup or of Linux Mint?

Cheers, Paul

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