Thank you very much, Dirk. That nudge solved the problem, of course. I am 
embarrassed. I was so fixated on Ubuntu repositories that I neglected to check 
the Debian 'testing' world!

Regarding the RPi: The RPi 4 uses the 'arm64' architecture, the full 64-bit 
one. I stopped using dedicated distros, such as Raspian, when Ubuntu went 
all-in on RPi support, which happened in their newest release focal (20). The 
dedicated distros often have an unhelpful attitude -- e.g., "you should use 
*this* package, not *that* package" -- that doesn't work for me.

Paul Teetor, Elgin, IL USA

On Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 09:26:27 AM CDT, Dirk Eddelbuettel 
<> wrote: 

On 15 July 2020 at 14:03, Paul Teetor wrote:
| Dear R-SIG-Debian folks,
| I seem to be chasing my tail, despite having a simple goal:
| - Install R 4.0.2
| - On Ubuntu 20.04
| - For an ARM processor (not Intel/AMD).
| Can someone please suggest a Debian/Ubuntu repository of the required 
packages (e.g., r-base-core) built for ARM? I can't seem to find one.
| (I can find the r-base-core package for R 3.6.3, but not R 4.0.2, built for 
| If there is no such Debian/Ubuntu repository, what would you recommend? Build 
R 4.0 for ARM from source? Use the cool 'rocker' images for R 4.0? Something 
| Thank you so much for your advice. I must be misunderstanding something. I 
figured this would be a slam-dunk because (1) R 4.0 is the latest release, and 
(2) Ubuntu 20.04 is an LTS release, and (3) ARM is a supported architecture, or 
so I thought.
| Paul
| PS - Yes, the ARM processors in question are a Raspberry Pi cluster. Don't 
snicker. Hey, it's got 16 cores, 16 GB RAM total, and a
| terabyte of space. And it's paid for, no monthly fee.

When I look at the build pages for my packages, eg this one for r-base

I see three (3) different arm labels: arm64, armel, armhf. I have no idea
what the Pi uses, and never looked closely, but I am at least vaguely aware
that there are apparently entire _dedicated_ distros and installers based on
the Debian builds.  Raspian is one name that comes to mind.  Did you try that?

Also, one second of Googling leads to:

Good luck, keep us posted -- other architectures/platforms can be fun.

(who just installed 20.04 on his daughters "retired / thought dead under a
large cup of coffee spilled" macbook air)

-- | @eddelbuettel |

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