On 7/15/20 1:35 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
On 15 July 2020 at 16:16, Sam H wrote:
| I am trying to download some data using read.csv and it works perfectly in
| RStudio and fails in the R console in the terminal in Ubuntu 18.04 after
| upgrading from R 3.6.3 to 4.0.2. Before upgrading this worked in the R
| console in the terminal also without any issues.
| Why would that be? How to fix this?
| Below please find R code output and sessionInfo().
| *Works in RStudio*
| > 
 header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE, na="n/a")

Ok, let's stop right here.  First off, for good debugging it helps to separate

  - downloading a file via R from
  - reading a file
  - maybe varying the arguments you give there

In my case this got easier. I clicked on the link (in Ubuntu 20.04) and it
downloaded it. From there few problems. `read.csv()` just reads it:

In fact one can use the fread approach directly, rather than first using your system or your browser to download the copy:

z <- data.table::fread("https://old.nasdaq.com/screening/companies-by-name.aspx?letter=0&exchange=1&render=download";, header=TRUE)
 Downloaded 486840 bytes...>
> str(z)
Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame':    3631 obs. of  9 variables:
 $ Symbol       : chr  "TXG" "YI" "PIH" "PIHPP" ...
 $ Name         : chr  "10x Genomics, Inc." "111, Inc." "1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc." "1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc." ...
 $ LastSale     : chr  "90.93" "6.31" "4.528" "24.35" ...
 $ MarketCap    : chr  "$8.94B" "$519.69M" "$27.48M" "n/a" ...
 $ IPOyear      : chr  "2019" "2018" "2014" "n/a" ...
 $ Sector       : chr  "Capital Goods" "Health Care" "Finance" "Finance" ...  $ industry     : chr  "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments" "Medical/Nursing Services" "Property-Casualty Insurers" "Property-Casualty Insurers" ...  $ Summary Quote: chr  "https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/txg"; "https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/yi"; "https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/pih"; "https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/pihpp"; ...
 $ V9           : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 - attr(*, ".internal.selfref")=<externalptr>

I had earlier experienced the hanging of the original example in Ubuntu 18.04 using R 3.6.1. I get teh same result in either a Terminal hosted R session or an Rstudio R session.

(It does leave hanging the question of why `read.csv` is failing.)



edd@rob:~/Downloads$ Rscript -e 'data.table::fread("companylist.csv", 
       Symbol                                   Name LastSale MarketCap IPOyear 
           Sector                                                     industry  
                     Summary Quote V9
    1:    TXG                     10x Genomics, Inc.    88.91    $8.75B    2019 
    Capital Goods             Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments  
 https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/txg NA
    2:     YI                              111, Inc.     6.64  $546.87M    2018 
      Health Care                                     Medical/Nursing Services  
  https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/yi NA
    3:    PIH 1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc.    4.528   $27.48M    2014 
          Finance                                   Property-Casualty Insurers  
 https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/pih NA
    4:  PIHPP 1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc.  24.8631       n/a     n/a 
          Finance                                   Property-Casualty Insurers 
https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/pihpp NA
    5:   TURN               180 Degree Capital Corp.     1.67   $51.97M     n/a 
          Finance                                   Finance/Investors Services  
https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/turn NA
3622:     ZS                          Zscaler, Inc.   122.43   $15.98B    2018  
      Technology                                                 EDP Services   
 https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/zs NA
3623:   ZUMZ                            Zumiez Inc.    25.55  $649.76M    2005 
Consumer Services                               Clothing/Shoe/Accessory Stores  
https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/zumz NA
3624:   ZYNE          Zynerba Pharmaceuticals, Inc.     3.41   $85.08M    2015  
     Health Care                                        Major Pharmaceuticals  
https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/zyne NA
3625:   ZYXI                            Zynex, Inc.    26.22  $870.31M     n/a      
 Health Care Biotechnology: Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus  
https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/zyxi NA
3626:   ZNGA                             Zynga Inc.     9.82   $10.54B    2011  
      Technology                                                 EDP Services  
https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/znga NA

For kicks, same with data.table:

edd@rob:~/Downloads$ Rscript -e 'str(read.csv("companylist.csv"))'
'data.frame':   3626 obs. of  9 variables:
  $ Symbol       : chr  "TXG" "YI" "PIH" "PIHPP" ...
  $ Name         : chr  "10x Genomics, Inc." "111, Inc." "1347 Property Insurance Holdings, 
Inc." "1347 Property Insurance Holdings, Inc." ...
  $ LastSale     : chr  "88.91" "6.64" "4.528" "24.8631" ...
  $ MarketCap    : chr  "$8.75B" "$546.87M" "$27.48M" "n/a" ...
  $ IPOyear      : chr  "2019" "2018" "2014" "n/a" ...
  $ Sector       : chr  "Capital Goods" "Health Care" "Finance" "Finance" ...
  $ industry     : chr  "Biotechnology: Laboratory Analytical Instruments" "Medical/Nursing 
Services" "Property-Casualty Insurers" "Property-Casualty Insurers" ...
  $ Summary.Quote: chr  "https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/txg"; "https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/yi"; 
"https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/pih"; "https://old.nasdaq.com/symbol/pihpp"; ...
  $ X            : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...

So in short, if you have a problem, it is not likely coming from the Ubuntu
binary for R 4.0.2 which I am running here.

Maybe start by downloading the file?  You could have firewall or other
issues. We can't tell. And we can't reproduce the issue.

Good luck,  Dirk

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