Just a response to the how is 20.10 otherwise.
I think it is a nice and solid release so far. :)

Kind regards,


Dirk Eddelbuettel <e...@debian.org> schreef op 25 oktober 2020 17:52:43 CET:
>On 25 October 2020 at 11:37, Frank Harrell wrote:
>| I made the mistake of updating to Ubuntu 20.10 from 20.04 before
>before debian repo supports 20.10.  This broke RcppParallel and
>plotly.  Any idea with 20.10 will be available for r-cran-* debian
>Just continue to point to the focal ("20.04") repos.  They _will_ run
>this is the standard "forward compatible" mode.  Binaries built on
>systems almost always run on newer ones (unless an explicit break
>which is rare), just the reverse is not true.
>It's not unlike your packages from the previous R version in /usr/local
>working when you upgrade R.
>How's 20.10 otherwise? I usually wait about a little "just to let some
>shake out" but will likely upgrade in a month or two.
>Hope this helps,  Dirk
>https://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org
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