On 18 April 2021 at 17:33, Michael Rutter wrote:
| On 4/18/21 5:17 PM, James Daly wrote:
| > In R, I am having trouble downloading some packages (apaTables, apaStyle,
| > OpenMx, MBESS, gsl). This post

Some of those are not simple but complex. The devil, as always, is in the 

| > 
| > makes me think that the problem is that they reference non-R packages.
| > However, I don't know what to do about it. Can anybody help me?
| > 
| > Any advice for a new Linux user would be appreciated, too! I am considering
| > hopping to another distro, possibly Debian, once I get the hang of it.
| > 
| > Thanks,
| > Jimmy
| Jimmy,
| I would highly recommend reading the web page about Ubuntu on CRAN, 
| especially the section about using the c2d4u 4.0 repository.
| https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/#get-5000-cran-packages
| I would then install the bspm package (Bridge to System Package Manager) 
| with (from the Ubuntu command line):
| sudo apt install r-cran-bspm
| This will utilize apt from within R whenever possible.

Strongly seconded.

I wrote a number of blog posts in the topic which you can find (in reverse
chronological order) below this URL:


You can skip a few but there are probably at least half a dozen posts on the
very topic of _more easily_ installing CRAN binaries on Ubuntu.


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