Dear E Tam,

I've been using R v4.* on Linux Mint 20.1 without any trouble.

I think the problem can be in your deb line, which uses Mint's codename
"ulyssa". You probably have to change it to "focal". Depending on how
you set this up, you can do it from Mint's "Software Sources" gui
application, under "Additional Repositories". You should find an entry
for the R-project.

Good luck.


On 22/04/2021 05:49, E Tam wrote:
> To whom it may concern,
>  I have been trying forever to get R installed on a computer running Linux 
> Mint 20.1, but nothing works. I went to CRAN 
> ( and followed all of the instructions, 
> but it installed R 3.6.3! This would not be a problem since I only need to do 
> some relatively simple things, except every library has updated to R 4.0 and 
> nothing from 3.6 can be used with 4.0, and vice versa. I can use base R just 
> fine in RStudio, but any attempts to downloads libraries fail. 
> I asked for help on the Linux Mint Forums 
> (,
>  but we did not make a lot of progress. What we figured out what that on the 
> official instructions, they are missing a step. [sudo apt-update] needs to be 
> run after [add-apt-repository ppa...]. I also needed to run [apt-get update 
> --allow-insecure-repositories], but I have no idea why CRAN's repository 
> would not be secure. Adding these steps gets me the error,
> Err:5 ulyssa-cran40/ Packages
>   404  Not Found [IP: 443]
> Any help figuring this out will be much appreciated. 
> From,        -E
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