Dear Louise,

I think there is a couple of possibilities. You might be interested in clusthr, LoCoH.* and CharHull, also in the package adehabitatHR. Please check the vignette of the package, section 6:


In addition, a new estimator could be useful to you as well: the PPA home range [1]. A R function based on ltraj objects (adehabitatLT) is available here:

Hope this helps,

[1] Jed A. Long and Trisalyn A. Nelson. 2012. Time geography and wildlife home range delineation. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 76: 407–413. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.259

Le 15/03/2012 09:56, Louise Mair a écrit :

I have a distribution dataset for species consisting of xy coordinates at
the 1km resolution, with only presence data. So a simplified example of a
species distribution might be:

y<- rbind(as.integer(rnorm(100,50,20)), as.integer(rnorm(200,100,30)),
x<- rbind(as.integer(rnorm(200,50,20)), as.integer(rnorm(200,100,20)),

I would like to create polygons for each species distribution, where if an
island is present (as I have tried to show in the example), it would be a
seperate polygon, and the jagged edges where species distributions meet
coastlines etc are maintained. I have tried functions such as mcp in the
package adehabitat, but this produces a very coarse polygon, which doesn't
provide the detailed distribution edges that I need. Other functions I've
tried require the data already to be in the format where the only xy
coordinates present are the outline of the polygon.

Can anyone please recommend a function I can use here, or suggest a way of
extracting the outline points? I have tried this manually but cannot seem
to write a code that will effectively take account of jagged edges and

Thanks very much for your help,


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+ Centre d'Étude de la Forêt
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