Dear forumities,

Did anyone tried pqR for spatial analyses ? I don't know if the worth the case 
(I will have to try myself) but it seems that pqR (which was released last 
week) is able to perform operations in parallel, especially on matrices so I 
guess it could substantially reduce the computation time when e.g., doing 
simple mathematical operations on rasters.

"One notable improvement is that pqR is able to do some numeric computations in 
parallel with each other, and with other operations of the interpreter, on 
systems with multiple processors or processor cores" 
The program is only available for the moment, for UNIX and Linux platforms 
although it seems to run correctly on Mac.
Any thoughts?

Yan Boulanger, Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow
Ressources Naturelles Canada, Canadian Forest Service
Centre de Foresterie des Laurentides
1055, rue du P.E.P.S.
C.P. 10380, succ. Sainte-Foy
Québec (Québec) Canada
G1V 4C7
Tel. : +1 418 649-6859

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