Hi Greg,
thankyou very much for your advice and sorry for my delay in answering you

I'm getting closer to what I have in my mind.........

this works under Rstudio dynamically *in function of zz** using your own 
example; z, instead, is the perspective
the graph is calculated only at any particular value of zz

zz <- seq(-10, 10, 0.01)
xx <- cos(zz)
yy <- sin(zz)

I would like to do the same in tkexamp, but I cannot reprodice it in the same 
the next step is the same but by visualizing a surface
any suggestion?



Da: Greg Snow [538...@gmail.com]
Inviato: giovedì 11 luglio 2013 22.27
A: Paolo Piras
Cc: r-sig-geo@r-project.org
Oggetto: Re: [R-sig-Geo] R or R studio 3d manipulate

Here is an example that works with the scatterplot3d function (from the package 
of the same name).  I only found 2 arguments that control the projection, angle 
and scale.y:


# from example 1 of scatterplot3d

       zz <- seq(-10, 10, 0.01)
       xx <- cos(zz)
       yy <- sin(zz)

# controls

clist <- list( angle=list('slider', init=40, from=5, to=85, resolution=5),
scale.y = list('slider', init=1, from=0.5, to=1.5, resolution=0.1 ) )

tkexamp( scatterplot3d(xx,yy,zz), clist )

If you want a fancier plot (e.g. include more points, a plane, etc.) then you 
can write a function with angle and scale.y arguments that calls all the 
appropriate functions, then use that function with tkexamp.  If you want even 
more ability to rotate then you may need to switch to using the cloud function 
from lattice or rgl or do you own projections (or delve further into using 
scatterplot 3d than I have).

On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Paolo Piras 
<paolo.pi...@uniroma3.it<mailto:paolo.pi...@uniroma3.it>> wrote:
Hi greg
I did not know the function and it is very nice..
my problem is.....
take the  examples of the help page of  tkexamp(): they are  2d graphs where 
you can changes plot options; I'm pretty sure you can do what I can do in 
Rstudio; this an Rstudio example:


using the control under the small gear  button at high left corner of the graph 
you can change the plot **in function** of the zz parameter

I THINK it can be replicated using  tkexamp() and I will try; I did not yet 
because I want to answer you immediately.....

however I want to do the same things on a 3D graph;
under the help of function rotate.wireframe() I saw the closest thing to what I 
have in my mind.....
I tried to pass to tkexamp() threee variables using scatterplot3d() but I 
receive an error

it is possible to combine the potential of  tkexamp() --- or manipulate---- 
that allows to change the graph in function of a given values of x and the 3d 
visualization of rotate.wireframe() ?
This could replicate what you can see on the web address of Mathematica I 
posted in my previous post:
I saw that under Rstudio the package "manipulate" can handle objects coming 
from scatterplot3d()  but the point of view remains fixed; you cannot rotate it 
dinamically as in a rgl scene or even in a rotate.wireframe graph; on the other 
hand.....I cannot find a solution to manipulate a 3d plot of a rgl scene in 
function of a given parameters that changes the values of x,y and z as you can 
possibly do in  tkexamp() or  manipulate();
The best could be to integrate the potential of tkexamp() and 
rotate.wireframe() together
could you indicate me the other solutions you refer in your previous message?
Anyway...thanks a lot!!
Awaiting an answer from you I will try to play with TeachinDemos more accurately
best regards

Da: Greg Snow [538...@gmail.com<mailto:538...@gmail.com>]
Inviato: lunedì 8 luglio 2013 17.53
A: Paolo Piras
Cc: r-sig-geo@r-project.org<mailto:r-sig-geo@r-project.org>
Oggetto: Re: [R-sig-Geo] R or R studio 3d manipulate

If you can write a function that takes the arguments that you want to change 
and creates the graph you want to see, then there are several tools that can be 
used to create controls that will change those arguments.  The `tkexamp` 
function in the TeachingDemos package is one such tool, but there are others as 
well.  If you can give a more specific example of what graph you would like and 
what values you would like to change then we may be able to give a more 
specific example.

On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Paolo Piras 
<paolo.pi...@uniroma3.it<mailto:paolo.pi...@uniroma3.it>> wrote:
Hi folks,

I'm performing some simulation of spatial data that I need to visualize when 
manipulating a given variable in expression
Do you know if there is ANY possibility to build a 3d graph with a manipulator 
In 2d it is very easily feasable in RStudio; I did it
 but in 3D ...I cannot find any solution
I would like to do in R what you can see here (in Mathematica) under the 
section "3D graphics":

Thanks in advance for your advice
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Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D.

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