
I was curious: is there any practical reason to not use brick() on a
single-band raster (efficiency hits, for instance)?  The reason I'm
asking is that I'm working on some functions that return a single or a
multi-band output, and rather than doing an if(nlayers(x)==1)
raster(x) else brick(x); I was going to make it easier and just always
returning brick(x).


Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD
Assistant Professor
Global Environmental Analysis and Remote Sensing (GEARS) Laboratory
Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
259 Computing Applications Building, MC-150
605 East Springfield Avenue
Champaign, IL  61820-6371
Phone: 217-300-1924
AIM: jgrn307, MSN: jgrn...@hotmail.com, Gchat: jgrn307, Skype: jgrn3007

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