Hi, how are you?

I'm currently using createIntamapObject to create an interpolation object
of class 'idw'. The method is working fine but I'm getting a lot of text
output in the console which I suspect is slowing things down.
I tried to remove it by setting the debug.level parameter in the params
list to 0 like this:

interpolacion <- *createIntamapObject(*observations=observaciones,
targetCRS=params$proj4StringAInterpolar, class='idw',
*params=list(nclus=nCoresAUsar, nmin=params$nmin, nmax=params$nmax,
maxdist=params$maxdist, debug.level = 0)*,

Is this the right way to do it? I can try to make a reproducible example if
it's needed.
Thanks in advance!

Ing. Pablo Alfaro PiƱeyro
MotionSoft Consulting S.R.L.
Tel: 095 938 487

2013/11/19 Mark Payne <markpayneatw...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Consider a situation where I have a spatialpixelsdataframe, m.subset,
> that is a subset of a larger dataframe, m. Due to the large size of my
> dataset, its more efficient for me to work on just this subset, than
> it is to work with the entire data set. Now, the question is, once
> I've finished processing the subset, I want to add it back into the
> original object. But the question is... how?
> In terms of a code example, it might look like:
> library(sp)
> data(meuse.grid)
> coordinates(meuse.grid) <- ~ x + y
> m <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(meuse.grid,meuse.grid@data)
> m <- m[,"dist"]
> #Split into a subset
> m.subset <- subset(m,m$y > 333000)
> #Do som fancy processing on m.subset e.g.
> m.subset$dist <- m.subset$dist * 10
> Now I want to combine the modified pixels in m.subset back into the
> main object, m. Does anyone have any ideas how this might be done?
> Best wishes,
> Mark
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