Hi all,

I am trying to run the script located at 
http://geomorphometry.org/content/geomorphometry-r-saga-ilwis-grass to 
integrate R, SAGA, ILWIS, and GRASS, but I am getting error messages when I try 
to use the shell() command.

The relevant lines of code are:

ILWIS <- "C:\\Progra~1\\N52\\Ilwis35\\IlwisClient.exe -C"
shell(cmd=paste(ILWIS, "setcsy dem25m.grf gk_6.csy -force"), wait=F)

When I try to run these two commands, I get the error message (when I leave out 

1: running command 'C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\Program Files 
(x86)\N52\Ilwis35\IlwisClient.exe setcsy dem25m.grf gk_6.csy -force' had status 
2: In shell(cmd = paste(ILWIS, "setcsy dem25m.grf gk_6.csy -force")) :
  'C:\Program Files (x86)\N52\Ilwis35\IlwisClient.exe setcsy dem25m.grf 
gk_6.csy -force' execution failed with error code 1

I have changed the path in the object ILWIS to "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ . . . 
.exe -C" and included quotation marks, as one might do when using cmd.exe

I can get shell.exec to work, but only to open ILWIS. 

If I try to run another program, for example Python 2.7 that resides on the C 
drive, (C:\Python27\python.exe), I can use the shell command, but it does not 
open inside cmd.exe, but rather in the R workspace. Then it stops and I am back 
at the command prompt.

Has anyone else had this problem using Windows 7?

Wade A. Wall
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, IL  61826-9005

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