Hi Michele,

Kriging methods assume that the variogram is known, although it is not in practice. With your procedure, the whole prediction method is reproduced (adding the extra-variability due to the estimation of the variogram), so a better approximation to the variability of the prediction error should be (in principle) obtained.

Excuse the rush...

Ruben Fernandez-Casal

El 16/05/2014 9:50, Michele Fiori escribió:
Dear All,
Finally I managed to develop this ad hoc procedure for the regression kriging 
cross validation; I tried to test the kriging part (the regression part has 
been already tested successfully) by comparison with the krige.cv function and 
I noticed that there are small discrepancies. I verified that they are due to 
the fact that in my case the variogram is recalculated for each step, while the 
function runs using the same initial variogram obtained on the complete set of 
What do you think about?

ARPAS - Environmental Protection Agency of Sardinia MeteoClimatic
Department - Meteorological Service

Viale Porto Torres 119 - 07100 Sassari, Italy Tel + 39 079 258617 Fax
+ 39 079 262681 www.sardegnaambiente.it/arpas

#################### Cross validation REGRESSION KRIGING (leave on out)
        PP03.lm <- lm(reg, prec2)
        Nstazioni <- length(prec2$NOME_STAZ)
        for (i in 1:Nstazioni)  
                ###  regression step for point “i”

                prec2.i <- prec2[-i,]                
                md.i <- lm(reg, data=prec2.i)
                        ypredlm.i <- predict(md.i,prec2[i,])
                        err[i] <- (ypredlm.i - prec2$PP03[i])^2
                res[i] <- (ypredlm.i - prec2$PP03[i])

                ###  kriging step for residual point “i”

                PP03i.rsvar <- variogram(prec2.i$residuals~1, prec2.i)
                PP03i.ivgm <- vgm(nugget=0, model="Sph", 
range=sqrt(diff(prec2.i@bbox["x",])^2 + diff(prec2.i@bbox["y",])^2)/4, 
                PP03i.rvgm <- fit.variogram(PP03i.rsvar, model=PP03i.ivgm)
                ypredok.i<- krige(md.i$residuals~1, prec2.i, prec2[i,], 

                ###  Regression + kriging predicted value for point “i”
                ypred.i <- ypredlm.i + ypredok.i$var1.pred
                err[i] <- (ypred.i - prec2$PP03[i])^2
                ypred[i] <- ypred.i          
        err <-c(err)
        ypred <-c(ypred)     
        ###   mean squared error
        MSE <- sum(err)/(Nstazioni)          

        ###   root mean square error

        RMSE.rk <- MSE^0.5

Da: Moshood Agba Bakare [mailto:bak...@ualberta.ca]
Inviato: giovedì 15 maggio 2014 17:39
A: Michele Fiori
Cc: rubenfcasal; r-sig-geo@r-project.org
Oggetto: Re: [R-sig-Geo] R: Regression Kriging cross validation

Hi Michele,
I have similar problem. I used ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighting 
method (IDW) to generate set of interpolated values from the same interpolation 
grid. I don't understand how cross validation can be done to come up with 
diagnostic statistics such as mse, rmse to use as basis for identifying the 
best interpolation method. I used krige.cv but I encountered error message. 
Please any advice on what to do please?

## Create grid for the interpolation through ordinary kriging and idw

grid <- expand.grid(easting = seq(from = 299678, to = 301299, by=10),
northing=seq(from = 5737278, to = 5738129, by=10))

## convert the grid to SpatialPixel class to indicate gridded spatial data

coordinates(grid)<-~easting + northing
proj4string(grid)<-CRS("+proj=utm +zone=12 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m 
+no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0")
gridded(grid)<- TRUE

#### Ordinary kriging

prok <- krige(id="yield",yield ~ 1, canmod.sp, newdata = grid, 

## Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) Interpolation method

yield.idw = idw(yield~1, canmod.sp, grid,nmax=20,maxdist=33.0,idp=1)


On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Michele Fiori <mfi...@arpa.sardegna.it> wrote:
Thank you for your kind reply
therefore as I have used the Osl method for regression, my result will never
match the universal kriging; However, in order to validate my method, I'm
trying to implement in the script a calculation loop witch runs n times (the
number of stations) regression + kriging without one station at a time.
Thank you again

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: r-sig-geo-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-sig-geo-boun...@r-project.org]
Per conto di rubenfcasal
Inviato: martedì 29 aprile 2014 19:49
A: r-sig-geo@r-project.org
Oggetto: Re: [R-sig-Geo] Regression Kriging cross validation

Hello Michele,

      Universal kriging is equivalent to Linear Regression (with the
generalized-least-squaresestimator) + Simple Kriging of residuals (e.g.
Cressie, 1993, section 3.4.5). The differences you observe are probably due
to the use of ordinary least squares. If you use (leave-one-out)
cross-validation with krige.cv (considering the UK model), the trend is also
re-estimated at each prediction location. From my point of view, this would
be the recommended way to proceed.
      As far as I know, there are no available implementations of the
procedure you are suggesting.

      Best regards,

El 29/04/2014 13:33, Michele Fiori escribió:
Hi everyone,
I am working on rainfall interpolation using regression kriging method
and I need suggestions on how I can carry out a cross validation
(leave-one-out) for this elaboration. At first I tried to apply
directly Krige.cv, similarly to UK method (example for october:
PP10uk.cv <- krige.cv(reg, prec2, PP10.vgm)), but unfortunately when I
applied Universal Kriging on the same data, I realized that UK map was a
little different from RK map.
So my question is: How could I manage universal kriging in order to
make it equivalent to regression kriging and use the above
cross-validation, or is there another different method to apply cross
validation (leave-one-out) on Regression Kriging interpolation?
Below my code:
Many thanks

Michele Fiori

ARPAS - Environmental Protection Agency of Sardinia MeteoClimatic
Department - Meteorological Service

Viale Porto Torres 119 - 07100 Sassari, Italy Tel + 39 079 258617 Fax
+ 39 079 262681 www.sardegnaambiente.it/arpas

####  Creating SpatialPixelDataFrame ("dem" - 250x250 m grid)
####  Loading Precipitation data
       prec2 <- read.table("prec2.txt", sep="\t", header =TRUE)
       coordinates(prec2) <- c("x", "y")
       proj4string(prec2) <- CRS("+init=epsg:32632")
####  Linear regression Model
       mod.gen <- lm(PP10 ~ QUOTA_MARE + UTM_EST + UTM_NORD + DIST_MARE,
       step1 <- stepAIC(mod.gen, direction="both")
       reg <- formula(step1)
       PP10.lm <- lm(reg, prec2)
       prec2$residuals <- residuals(PP10.lm)
       dem$predlm <- predict(PP10.lm, dem)
####  Variogram of residuals
       PP10.vgm <- vgm(nugget=51.46, model="Sph", range=38038.89,
####  Ordinary Kriging of residuals
       PP10.okr <- krige(PP10.lm$residuals ~ 1, prec2, dem, PP10.vgm,
       dem$varokr <- PP10.okr$var1.pred
####  Regression Kriging (Linear Regression + Ordinary Kriging of
       dem$vark <- dem$predlm + dem$varokr
####  Universal kriging
       PP10.uk <- krige(reg, prec2, dem, PP10.vgm, maxdist=Inf)
       dem$varuk <- PP10.uk$var1.pred
       dem$difference <- dem$vark - dem$varuk
       spplot(dem[c("difference")], col.regions=terrain.colors(25),
contour=FALSE, cuts = 15)

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