Thankyou so much again Roger.


Both the connectivity maps and regressions work fine with the state data so I 
hope you will not mind if I use the substate data from the link mentioned 
earlier at :


and then just subset for one state.  New York would be good to choose as it has 
Richmond Island off the southern tip of Long Island which is not connected to 
any other area.  So it naturally forms a major point of interest.


I have done my level best to follow your instructions very carefully.


My code follows - obviously including the path to the file on my machine.

The connectivity map - closely following your own model script of course -  is 
perfect.  The inserted link works just exactly correctly as you will see.

The spml model also works OK albeit with some mysterious error which I do not 
well understand, but I do not think it matters much either.


However the spgm model does not run at all.

Of course this is also the most important model.

This throws the usual error "Error in x[, ii] : subscript out of bounds".

I have included the traceback notes, but I do not understand them at all.


Thankyou again for all of your kind and gracious advice.


Yours sincerely,





################## Using NYC as a Reproducible Example

# Substate Shapefile - Single Year

USC <- st_read(dsn=" [path to file]  /NSDUH/SubstateRegionData141516.shp")



USCReduced <- USC[,c(1:6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,50,66)]



NYsf <- subset(USCReduced, ST_NAME=="New York")

NYsf$Ix <- 0:14

NYsf$YearDt <- as.POSIXct(as.Date("01/01/2015", format="%d/%m/%Y"), tz="GMT")




NYsf <- NYsf[,c(19,20,1:5,9,6,7,10,14,15,12,8,13,16,17,18)]




print(NYsf, n=15)

NYsfnb <- poly2nb(NYsf)

str(NYsfnb, max.level=0)

str(NYsfnb, max.level=1)


attr(NYsfnb, "")[1:8]

NYsfnbb <- NYsfnb

attr(NYsfnbb, "")

NYsfnbb[[8]]                           # == Region 322 on the Original map

NYsfnbb[[8]] <- as.integer(5)

NYsfnbb[[8]]                           # == Region 322 on the Original map

NYsfnbb[[5]]                           # == Region 319 on the Original map

NYsfnbb[[5]] <- as.integer(c(6,7,8))




NYsflw  <- nb2listw(NYsfnb, zero.policy=TRUE)

NYsflww <- nb2listw(NYsfnbb)

str(NYsfnbb, max.level = 0)

str(NYsflww, max.level = 0)

############### US Substate Test Mapping::

coordsSubstateNY <- st_coordinates(st_centroid(st_geometry(NYsf), 
of_largest_polygon = TRUE))

## SubState_q1

dxxx <- diffnb(NYsfnb, NYsfnbb)

plot(st_geometry(NYsf), border = "grey50")

plot(NYsfnb, coordsSubstateNY, add = TRUE, lwd=0.5)

plot(dxxx, coordsSubstateNY, add = TRUE, col = "red", lwd=2)

title(main=paste("Differences (red) in New York Sub-State GAL Queen Weights 
(Black) First Order - USA", cex.main=1))

### Checking w Regressions

summary(spml(asinh(smiyr) ~ cigmon * asinh(mrjmon), 

             data=NYsf, listw=NYsflww,

             lag=TRUE, effect="individual", 

             model="random", spatial.error="b"))

summary(spgm(asinh(smiyr) ~ cigmon * asinh(mrjmon), 

             data=NYsf, listw=NYsflww,

             lag=TRUE, moments="fullweights", method="g2sls",

             model="random", spatial.error=TRUE))

#    Error in x[, ii] : subscript out of bounds


# > traceback()

# 13:`yend[, i]` = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 

#                                             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), H = 

# 12: na.omit(list(`yend[, i]` = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 

#                                  0, 0, 0, 0), H = numeric(0)))

# 11: model.frame.default(formula = yend[, i] ~ H - 1, drop.unused.levels = 

# 10: stats::model.frame(formula = yend[, i] ~ H - 1, drop.unused.levels = TRUE)

# 9: eval(mf, parent.frame())

# 8: eval(mf, parent.frame())

# 7: lm(yend[, i] ~ H - 1)

# 6: fitted.values(lm(yend[, i] ~ H - 1))

# 5: spgm.tsls(ywithin, wywithin, Xwithin, Hwithin)

# 4: ivplm.w2sls(Y = y, X = x, lag = TRUE, listw = Ws, listw2 = Ws2, 

#                twow = twow, lag.instruments = lag.instruments, T = T, N = N, 

#                NT = NT)

# 3: spsarargm(formula = formula, data = data, index = index, listw = listw, 

#              listw2 = listw2, moments = moments, lag = lag, endog = endog, 

#              instruments = instruments, verbose = verbose, effects = effects, 

#              control = control, lag.instruments = lag.instruments, 
optim.method = optim.method, 

#              pars = pars, twow = twow)

# 2: spgm(asinh(smiyr) ~ cigmon * asinh(mrjmon), data = NYsf, listw = NYsflww, 

#         lag = TRUE, moments = "fullweights", model = "random", spatial.error 

# 1: summary(spgm(asinh(smiyr) ~ cigmon * asinh(mrjmon), data = NYsf, 

#                 listw = NYsflww, lag = TRUE, moments = "fullweights", model = 

#                 spatial.error = TRUE))

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Bivand <> 
Sent: Thursday, 8 August, 2019 9:35 PM
To: Stuart Reece <>
Cc: 'Dr Stuart Reece' <>; 'Barry Rowlingson' 
<>; 'R-sig-geo Mailing List' <>
Subject: RE: [R-sig-Geo] Adding a Few Neighbour Relationships to a nb List

On Thu, 8 Aug 2019, Stuart Reece wrote:

> Thankyou for this advice Roger.

> Happy to provide my work for your review but I am not sure how.

> This list server has a limit of 50KB and these files are about 100MB....

> Love to assist but I would need advice on how best to proceed....???

Choose a built-in data set, such as Produc, change two states to ALASKA and 
HAWAII, drop the ones you chose from the map and any other states not on your 
map, and use that data set, putting the script needed at the head of your 
example. Then create the weights, initially with no links to ALASKA and HAWAII, 
and run the model. Next, edit the neighbour object in script form, and try 
again. Then anyone with your map object (you gave a link), your script, and the 
plm and splm packages can reproduce your problem.

Do also run traceback() after errors, and post what you see.


> Many thanks again,

> Stuart.


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