Dear Roger,

Let me know if I can help you in any way.


> On 28 Nov 2020, at 18:08, Roger Bivand <> wrote:
> For completeness, I've put up a skeleton package on 
> <>, with Github Actions to check 
> the package on macOS-latest as well as ubuntu-20.04 (latest and devel) and 
> Windows-latest. The MacOS platform opens a GTiff file, but does not open a 
> JP2 file (using
> <>
> I've replicated this on R-hub for MacOS using CRAN and brew (the GDAL from 
> brew in that workflow also misses openjpeg it seems):
> CRAN: 
> <>
> brew
> <>
> On Winbuilder the GA results are replicated (success with both GTiff and JP2 
> on all platforms - there is no guarantee that Debian or Fedora packaged GDAL 
> will include this or any other optional driver).
> The skeleton package might easily be forked, and could also simply check the 
> driver listings rather than actually trying to read a GTiff and a JP2 file 
> (PRs very welcome).
> So we have now a two-threaded way to check for JP2 absence, using this 
> package's GA, and through R-hub.
> Next step to work out how to get openjpeg into the recipes listings so that 
> GDAL there is built using it.
> On Sat, 28 Nov 2020, Gilberto Camara wrote:
>> Dear Roger
>> Many thanks for your patience and your guidance.
>> I installed the rgdal binary from CRAN and it gives errors in both commands, 
>> as follows:
>>> drvs <- rgdal::gdalDrivers()$name; drvs[grep("JP2", drvs)]
>> character(0)
> Sorry, should have been:
> rgdal::rgdal_extSoftVersion()
> Best wishes,
> Roger
>>> rgdal::extSoftVersion()
>> Error: 'extSoftVersion' is not an exported object from 'namespace:rgdal’
>> After installing rgdal from source the first command works:
>>> drvs <- rgdal::gdalDrivers()$name; drvs[grep("JP2", drvs)]
>> “JP2OpenJPEG"
>> but the second does not:
>>> rgdal::extSoftVersion()
>> Error: 'extSoftVersion' is not an exported object from 'namespace:rgdal’
>> I am using R version 4.0.3 Patched (2020-11-25 r79505), the latest one 
>> available on CRAN. The rgdal version is 1.5-18 (SVN revision 1082).
>> More details on rgdal:
>>> library(rgdal)
>> Loading required package: sp
>> rgdal: version: 1.5-18, (SVN revision 1082)
>> Geospatial Data Abstraction Library extensions to R successfully loaded
>> Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 3.2.0, released 2020/10/26
>> Path to GDAL shared files: 
>> /Users/gilbertocamara/Library/R/4.0/library/sf/gdal
>> GDAL binary built with GEOS: TRUE
>> Loaded PROJ runtime: Rel. 7.1.1, September 1st, 2020, [PJ_VERSION: 711]
>> Path to PROJ shared files: /Users/gilbertocamara/Library/Application 
>> Support/proj:/usr/local/share/proj:/usr/local/share/proj
>> PROJ CDN enabled: FALSE
>> Linking to sp version:1.4-4
>> As for sf, it also has to be installed from source. The binary version of sf 
>> also fails to recognise the JP2 driver, while the one built from source does.
>>> sf::sf_extSoftVersion() works and gives:
>> GEOS     GDAL         proj.4    GDAL_with_GEOS     USE_PROJ_H
>> "3.8.1"  "3.2.0"      "7.1.1"         "true"         "true”
>> So, it appears that the automated recipes system missed the openjpeg library.
>> Best regards
>> Gilberto
>> ===========================
>> Prof Dr Gilberto Camara
>> Secretariat Director
>> GEO - Group on Earth Observations
>> 7 bis, Avenue de La Paix
>> CH-1211 Geneva - Switzerland
>> Tel: +41227308480
>> Web:
>>> On 27 Nov 2020, at 22:23, Roger Bivand <> wrote:
>>> Dear Gilberto,
>>> The easiest way to deploy the JP2OpenJPEG driver is to check whether it is 
>>> in the CRAN MacOS rgdal or sf binary packages, as I described before. If it 
>>> is not there, then we need to post an issue or PR on 
>>> <> 
>>> < <>>, 
>>> I think.
>>> Could any MacOS user with rgdal installed binary from CRAN please run:
>>> drvs <- rgdal::gdalDrivers()$name; drvs[grep("JP2", drvs)]
>>> rgdal::extSoftVersion()
>>> and the R and rgdal versions? The equivalent for sf is:
>>> drvs <- sf::st_drivers("raster")$name; drvs[grep("JP2", drvs)]
>>> sf::sf_extSoftVersion()
>>> This is just to check whether the recent change to the automated recipes 
>>> system perhaps missed the openjpeg library which is used automatically if 
>>> present.
>>> If it went missing, we should be able to reinstate it (or if never 
>>> available - provide it - the CRAN Windows binary does have this driver), 
>>> then all users of CRAM MacOS binary packages built against GDAL will be 
>>> able to use the driver without having to build from source.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Roger
>>> On Fri, 27 Nov 2020, Gilberto Camara wrote:
>>>> Dear Roger
>>>> Many thanks for your support. I built GDAL from scratch and now it 
>>>> supports the JPEG-2000 driver using the “openjpeg” library. The reported 
>>>> problems are now solved.
>>>> The whole exercise gave me some lessons on RGDAL and GDAL for users of 
>>>> MacOS BigSur:
>>>> 1. The usual ways of installing GDAL in macOS (using Homebrew or the
>>>>  Frameworks provided by KingChaos) do not provide support for
>>>>  JPEG-2000. So, one has to install GDAL and RGDAL from source.
>>>> 2. One has to use Apple’s C/C++ clang compiler version 12.0, following
>>>>  the advice given in Stack Overflow:
>>>> <>
>>>> 3. For GDAL to compile properly, it is necessary to install first
>>>>  “pkg-config”, and then the libraries “proj”, “geo”, “tiff”, “jpeg”,
>>>>  “openjpeg”, and “zstd”.
>>>> Thus, if other users of “gdal” find problems with BigSur, I can volunteer 
>>>> to support them.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Gilberto
>>>> ===========================
>>>> Prof Dr Gilberto Camara
>>>> Secretariat Director
>>>> GEO - Group on Earth Observations
>>>> 7 bis, Avenue de La Paix
>>>> CH-1211 Geneva - Switzerland
>>>> Tel: +41227308480
>>>> Web:
>>>>> On 26 Nov 2020, at 15:40, Roger Bivand <> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Gilberto,
>>>>> On Thu, 26 Nov 2020, GilbertoCamara wrote:
>>>>>> Dear R-SIG-GEO and Roger
>>>>>> I am developing an R package ( 
>>>>>> <>) to analyse satellite image time 
>>>>>> series (SITS) which is heavily dependent on “rgdal”.
>>>>>> I would like to report an issue with rgdal in the new macOS BigSur. 
>>>>>> While I agree with Roger that it is not wise to install a new OS until 
>>>>>> it is stable, I hope the information below will be useful.
>>>>>> For starters, let me praise Roger, Edzer and all those involved in 
>>>>>> “rgdal”. I did some debugging on the source code and was humbled by the 
>>>>>> effort involved in making the code an operational software many of us 
>>>>>> rely on. Chapeau bas!
>>>>>> That said, please allow me to report on three issues:
>>>>>> 1. Installation
>>>>>> I have installed GDAL-3.2.0 using Homebrew on BigSur; it works fine. 
>>>>>> When installing the binary version of rgdal-1.5-18 (SVN revision 1082) 
>>>>>> from CRAN, recently released by Simon Urbanek, “rgdal" reports that is 
>>>>>> is using GDAL-3.1.1, which is not installed. The actual message is: 
>>>>>> "Loaded GDAL runtime: GDAL 3.1.1, released 2020/06/22”.
>>>>>> When installing from source, rgdal recognises GDAL-3.2.0, if the 
>>>>>> Homebrew libraries are on the path. The message changes to: "Loaded GDAL 
>>>>>> runtime: GDAL 3.2.0, released 2020/10/26."
>>>>>> It is odd that the binary version would report using a runtime that is 
>>>>>> not there.
>>>>> On MacOS and Windows, CRAN binary packages are built using static 
>>>>> linking, for a number of reasons.  One is to limit installation 
>>>>> difficulties, another to make support easier, as all users of a updated 
>>>>> package/R version will be using the same set of external software 
>>>>> components (of course, locales will vary, but most variables are fixed).
>>>>>> 2. Errors in /vsis3 file access
>>>>>> In earlier versions of macOS, rgdal had no problems with accessing files 
>>>>>> in AWS with commands such as:
>>>>>>> s3_file <- 
>>>>>>> "/vsis3/sentinel-s2-l2a/tiles/20/L/KP/2018/8/17/0/R20m/B02.jp2”
>>>>>>> rgdal::GDALinfo(s3_file)
>>>>>> In BigSur, it produces an error. Debugging the rgdal code, I found the 
>>>>>> error to arise from line 723 of the “gdal-bindings.cpp” file. This is 
>>>>>> one of the places where rgdal calls the GDAL function “GDALOpenEx”, as 
>>>>>> follows:
>>>>> Please first check on running systems with pre-Big Sur and Big Sur that 
>>>>> the returned lists of drivers match. Crucially, jp2 (Jpeg 2000) needs 
>>>>> GDAL built against openjpeg. If one of the systems has GDAL built with 
>>>>> the driver, and the other without, this outcome would be expected. I 
>>>>> suspect that the Big Sur GDAL (or the CRAN MacOS rgdal binary) has 
>>>>> missing/defective drivers.
>>>>> For my Fedora 33 system with GDAL installed from source, I have:
>>>>> drvs <- rgdal::gdalDrivers()$name; drvs[grep("JP2", drvs)]
>>>>> ## [1] "JP2OpenJPEG"
>>>>> There are other JP2* drivers, but they need closed source libraries when 
>>>>> GDAL itself is built, and cannot be redistributed from CRAN.
>>>>>> GDALDataset *pDataset = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpenEx(fn, RWFlag,
>>>>>> papszAllowedDrivers, papszOpenOptions, NULL);
>>>>>> The function call returns a NULL pointer. Since calling gdalinfo 
>>>>>> externally or using gdalUtils::gdalinfo works, it seems there is a 
>>>>>> problem with the return parameters which are provided to rgdal by GDAL.
>>>>>> To reproduce the issue, one needs AWS credentials. If Roger and/or Edzer 
>>>>>> wish to have a go at this issue, I can provide a temporary credential 
>>>>>> for doing so.
>>>>> First, we need to be sure that the driver is present, then present and 
>>>>> working.
>>>>>> 3. Errors in TIFF Decoding
>>>>>> Running devtools::check() produces a strange error on TIFF decoding on a 
>>>>>> very small file. The error is odd:
>>>>>> "TIFFReadDirectory: Warning, Unknown field with tag 42112 (0xa480) 
>>>>>> encountered."
>>>>>> The call stack is as follows:
>>>>>> 1: .Call("RGDAL_OpenDataset", .normalize_if_path(filename, mustWork = 
>>>>>> NA),     TRUE, silent, allowedDrivers, options, PACKAGE = "rgdal")
>>>>>> 2: .local(.Object, ...)
>>>>>> 3: initialize(value, ...)
>>>>>> 4: initialize(value, ...)
>>>>>> 5: new("GDALReadOnlyDataset", filename, silent = silent, allowedDrivers 
>>>>>> = allowedDrivers,     options = options)
>>>>>> 6:, silent = silent, allowedDrivers = allowedDrivers,    
>>>>>>  options = options)
>>>>>> 7: rgdal::GDALinfo(file, silent = FALSE)
>>>>>> The error appears to be in the same place as the one reported above. 
>>>>>> However, it is hard to reproduce, because when running on the console, 
>>>>>> rgdal works.
>>>>> This feels again like a driver mismatch. Please try with the CRAN MacOS 
>>>>> binary package, for which 
>>>>> looks 
>>>>> clean. The examples for rgdal::readGDAL() include reading TIFF files, so 
>>>>> are run in CRAN daily checks.
>>>>> I have no access to any MacOS platform, so cannot do more than arm's 
>>>>> length debug. My clear suspicion is that the GDAL you are using has 
>>>>> drivers missing/defective. A small JP2 raster could be added to the 
>>>>> examples to trap driver malfunction.
>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>> Roger
>>>>>>> ndvi_file <- 
>>>>>>> c(system.file("extdata/raster/mod13q1/sinop-ndvi-2014.tif", package = 
>>>>>>> "sits”))
>>>>>>> rgdal::GDALinfo(ndvi_file, silent = FALSE)
>>>>>> However, given that the place on the “rgdal” code where the error occurs 
>>>>>> is the same, it might be worthwhile to look into the RGDAL-GDAL 
>>>>>> interface in more detail.
>>>>>> I know it’s my responsibility to have moved to macOS BigSur too soon. 
>>>>>> Thus, I do not expect that you address the issue. That said, any help 
>>>>>> would be much appreciated.
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Gilberto
>>>>>> ===========================
>>>>>> Prof Dr Gilberto Camara
>>>>>> Secretariat Director
>>>>>> GEO - Group on Earth Observations
>>>>>> 7 bis, Avenue de La Paix
>>>>>> CH-1211 Geneva - Switzerland
>>>>>> Tel: +41227308480
>>>>>> Web: <>
>>>>> --
>>>>> Roger Bivand
>>>>> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
>>>>> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
>>>>> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail:
>>> --
>>> Roger Bivand
>>> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
>>> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
>>> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail: 
>>> <> < 
>>> <>>
>>> <> 
>>> < 
>>> <>>
>>> <><
>>> <>>
>>> R-sig-Geo mailing list
>>> <> 
>>> < <>>
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>>> < 
>>> <>>
> -- 
> Roger Bivand
> Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics,
> Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen, Norway.
> voice: +47 55 95 93 55; e-mail:
> R-sig-Geo mailing list

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