On Sat, 21 Nov 2009, Paul Hiemstra wrote:

Hi Ned,

Is it an option to switch to another GDAL format, GTiff for example? Check if this exports the NA values correctly. Not really an answer to your question, but maybe a helpful suggestion.

cheers and good luck,

Ned Horning wrote:
I am trying to export a SpatialPixelsDataFrame object with floating point values to an ASCII grid file and want to specify a nodata value. I tried write.asciigrid from the sp package and I couldn't figure out how to output float values. The pixel values exported as integers.

For now I am using the following writeGDAL statement:
writeGDAL(sp_hsm_pard, out_pard, drivername="AAIGrid", type="Float32", options="DECIMAL_PRECISION=3", "NODATA=-9999")

Maybe reading:

function (dataset, fname, drivername = "GTiff", type = "Float32",
    mvFlag = NA, options = NULL, copy_drivername = "GTiff")

would help?

You are getting:

dataset=sp_hsm_pard, fname=out_pard, drivername="AAIGrid", type="Float32", options="DECIMAL_PRECISION=3", mvFlag="NODATA=-9999"

by argument names and positions, I think, where internally as.double("NODATA=-9999") is being coerced to an NA (a warning may have been shown.

Perhaps try setting mvFlag=-9999? If you wanted to put it in the options, that may work, but as.double(mvFlag) is explicitly set as the no-data value on the band(s) being written in create2GDAL() inside writeGDAL().

Hope this helps,


This appears to output the image okay but it is not assigning the proper values to NODATA_value. The NODATA_value in the exported file is "1" instead of "-9999".

Can someone let me know how to output floating point data to an ESRI ASCII grid file and specify a nodata value.



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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
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Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43
e-mail: roger.biv...@nhh.no

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