Dear R-Geographers,

I am trying to use the GSHHS shoreline data for annotating my maps.
I used Rgshhs() from the package maptools to import it into R as a
Spatial object.
However it seems that there is a problem due to the new version of
In the help is referred.

Here is my example:

>      NZx <- c(160,180)
>      NZy <- c(-50,-30)
> NZ <- Rgshhs("gshhs_c.b", xlim=NZx, ylim=NZy)
Error in Rgshhs("gshhs_c.b",  :
  Data not same version as software

Is this a bug in Rshhs() or do I need some external librarys?

Any suggestions welcome.
Maik Renner, Dipl. Hydrologist
TU Dresden Pienner Str. 23
 01737 Tharandt Germany
Tel.: +49 351 463-31341

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