On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Dan Putler <dan.put...@sauder.ubc.ca>wrote:

> Hi Alexandre,
> Greetings from yesterday evening.
> I think I know what you want, and I've been working on the same problem
> in a very different substantive context. To make sure I understand the
> question, you are basically stating that if the gap between "nearest"
> birds of the same species exceeds 1000 meters, then the two birds cannot
> be considered to be in the same cluster. Returning to your example of
> birds along a straight line, assume the birds run from A to B to C, and
> A and B are 700 meters apart, while B and C are 1001 meters apart, then
> it is the case that A and B are in a cluster, but C is not a member of
> that cluster.

Another approach (can be automated without user interaction):

1) create a distance matrix for the individuals (if I remember correctly
2) iterate through all individuals and for this focal individual:
  a) identify all individuals closer to the focal animal then 1000m
  b) go through all neighbours_focal and identify all individuals closer
then 1000m neighbours_focal_2
  c) exclude all neighbours_focal from neighbours_focal_2 and go back to b
for all neighbours_focal_2
  d) repeat b + c until the number of neighbours_focal_2 is zero, i.e. no
individual is closer to one in the cluster then 1000m
  e) all these individuals are your cluster_1
2) exclude all individuals in cluster_1
repeat s and 3 until no individuals are left

Hope this helps,


> Assuming what I said is correct, one thing you can do is create a
> relative neighbor graph of your points, and then drop any edges from the
> graph that exceed 1000 meters. This will create a set up unconnected
> sub-graphs, and the points within each sub-graph constitutes a cluster.
> I've written a function (using the spdens package) that removes the long
> edges from the relative neighbor graph, there by creating the set of
> clusters. I've pasted my function below (at some point I will create an
> R package that includes this function, but it is likely a couple of
> months away).
> The function follows:
> # dropLongLinks takes an nb (neighbor list) object, the original
> coordinates,
> # and a maximum distance, then removes links from the nb object for
> links that
> # exceed the maximum distance.
> # Programer: Dan Putler
> # Created: 08Feb09
> # Modified: 08Feb09
> dropLongLinks <- function(nb, coords, max.dist) {
>    require(spdep)
>    if(!is.matrix(coords)) coords <- as.matrix(coords)
>    dists <- nbdists(nb, coords)
>    nb.new <-
>      lapply(1:length(nb), function(i) nb[[i]] <- nb[[i]][dists[[i]] <=
> max.dist])
>    class(nb.new) <- "nb"
>    return(nb.new)
>     }
> On Thu, 2009-12-10 at 07:50 +0100, Alexandre VILLERS wrote:
> > Good morning (and sorry for the cross posting on the R sig ecology),
> >
> > I'm still working on the spatial distribution of an aggregated bird
> species. I would like to test different between birds distances to create
> clusters and thus identify groups of birds (leks). It would be "visually"
> quite easy to do it but I would like to repeat this clustering objectively
> for many years in order to characterize some biological processes. So I
> would like for example to group all the birds who share neighbours in less
> than 1000 meters in the same cluster. Thus, 3 birds lying on a straight line
> 700 meters from each other would belong to the same cluster (hope this is
> clear).
> >
> > I can get groups of points whose distances are below a certain threshold
> with dnearneigh() from package "spdep" but this would still require to write
> an iterative function to group points.
> > Is there an existing function that can do the whole trick? I know many
> packages are available for clustering with R but I haven't found one that I
> can parametrize in a such way yet.
> >
> > Any link will be appreciated.
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > Alex
> >
> > P.S.: to get this visually
> >
> > x<-c(0,700,1400, 3000)
> > y<-c(0,0,0,0)
> > plot(y~x, col=c("red","red", "red", "black"), pch=c(16,16,16,16)) # red
> points belong to the same cluster while the black doesn't
> >
> >
> --
> Dan Putler
> Sauder School of Business
> University of British Columbia
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Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology,
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