Being new to spatial analysis I don't have the right vocabulary. I have 
purchased the book applied spatial data analysis in r, but not received yet. 

I have a set of irregularly spaced points (utmx,utmy) where animals were 
sampled. So for each point I have a location and a species count. There is a 
spatial pattern in the data (for richness) - it is not just random. I have used 
a gam from mgcv to model the data. I would like to overlay a shapefile of 
polygons (watersheds) over the point data and in the end estimate the expected 
number of species in a watershed. For example if a watershed overlayed two 
bands of species richness one for a richness of 5 and one for a richness of 6 
and each were equally represented in the watershed the expected number for a 
point in the watershed would be 5.5. Can someone point me in the right 
direction or provide terminology and/or packages that may do this. thank you. 

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