Dear Johannes,

Looks like you are in the field of error propagation 

Both mean and median are valid statistical parameters to describe the central 
tendencies. What is often more interesting is the propagated uncertainty in the 
final estimates. I assume that your output is a binomial variable? In our 
HESS paper 
 we use the Information entropy index to quantify the uncertainty of the model 
(we deal with a binary/Bernoulli variable). The code and the dataset can be 
obtained from: 

A number of (Gaussian) grid statistics parameters can be derived using SAGA GIS:

> library(RSAGA)
> rsaga.get.usage(lib="geostatistics_grid", module=5)
SAGA CMD 2.0.3
library path:   C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-210~1.1/library/RSAGA/saga_vc/modules
library name:   geostatistics_grid
module name :   Statistics for Grids
Usage: 5 -GRIDS <str> [-MEAN <str>] [-MIN <str>] [-MAX <str>] [-VAR <str>] 
[-STDDEV <str>] [-STDDEVLO <str>] [-STDDEVHI <str>]
  -GRIDS:<str>          Grids
        Grid list (input)
  -MEAN:<str>           Arithmetic Mean
        Grid (optional output)
  -MIN:<str>            Minimum
        Grid (optional output)
  -MAX:<str>            Maximum
        Grid (optional output)
  -VAR:<str>            Variance
        Grid (optional output)
  -STDDEV:<str>         Standard Deviation
        Grid (optional output)
  -STDDEVLO:<str>       Mean less Standard Deviation
        Grid (optional output)
  -STDDEVHI:<str>       Mean plus Standard Deviation


T. Hengl

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:r-sig-geo-
>] On Behalf Of Johannes Signer
> Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2010 5:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: [R-sig-Geo] Summary of multiple rasters
> Dear List,
> my problem is as follows:
> I have a model that predicts me the distribution  of a species in the
> landscape. I run that model several times and now I am not sure which
> summary statistic to use (mean, median). Is there an index to get an idea of
> how the prediction in each cell are distributed?
> Any are greatly appreciated,
> Thanks
> Johannes
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