On Thu, 10 Jun 2010, christiaan pauw wrote:

Hi everybody

Is it possible, when plotting a SPDF to rotate the label in a polygon based
on the shape of the polygon. I want the greatest possible length in which to
print the label and don't mind  reading upside down as long as the label is
readable. I am printing a map consisting of tens of thousands of labeled
polygons ( of various shape s but mainly rectangles). If the rectangle is
orientated with its long side horizontally (like so | LABEL |), the labels
are readable but if the short side is on the horisontal level then the label
runs into and over the rectangle and all the lables end up in an unreadable
tangle. In that case I would prefer to have something like this

The par(srt=) argument can be set to rotate all labels in a text() command - it only takes a single value in each call to text(), but not the letters in a label. Label placement is a hard problem to solve automatically. See ?pointLabel in maptools for some unrotated ways of avoiding point labels overlapping, but I don't think that it will help much. Can you abbreviate the labels - see ?abbreviate?


Does anyone know if it is possible to specify the rotation of labels in some

Thanks is advance


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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
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