On Mon, 18 Oct 2010, stephen sefick wrote:

I would like to just read in a vector table that is stored in the
GRASS dbf format into R.  Is there a way that I am over looking with
the spgrass6 package?  I can just go to the dbf file of the grass
mapset, but I was looking for a better option.  Thanks in advance.
kindest regards,


Do you mean read the GRASS vector, or just the DBF file? If the vector with its attributes, readVECT6() in spgrass6, which I think you know of. Otherwise, perhaps:

zz <- execGRASS("db.select", parameters=list(table="newbugs"),
con <- textConnection(zz)
zzz <- read.table(con, header=TRUE, sep="|")

Hope this helps,


Stephen Sefick
| Auburn University                                   |
| Department of Biological Sciences           |
| 331 Funchess Hall                                  |
| Auburn, Alabama                                   |
| 36849                                                    |
| sas0...@auburn.edu                             |
| http://www.auburn.edu/~sas0025             |

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annoying little problems of being mammals.

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