Thanks, Simon.
I'll check out the current settings in my work machine's
org.R-project.R.plist file next week (we have Friday off. Yay!).

PS I use Firefox both at home and at work as my default, so I *hope* that's not the issue.

On 12/9/10 6:17 PM, Simon Urbanek wrote:

On Dec 9, 2010, at 5:53 PM, Carl Witthoft wrote:

I have two separate questions about help windows.

First:  I'm running R2.12 at home under 10.5.8, and at work under
10.6.4 (Intel iMacs in both cases).

At home, when I invoke help, e.g.,
?sin ,
I get the help page in the Rgui help window (and my web browser is
not called).

But at work, the Rgui help window opens, remains blank, and the sin
help page shows up in my default web browser.

Is there a way I can either force my work machine to use the Rgui
window, or at the least stop the useless help window from opening

The default is what you see at home - and that is the intended

There is a preference "" that allows you to use an
external browser (at the request of some users) - you can enable it
using (in Terminal): defaults write org.R-project.R

and disable it using defaults delete org.R-project.R

So chances are that you enabled it at some point in the past (maybe?)
- it's definitely NOT the default.

Alternatively (if that's not the issue?) it may be some strange
setting of your browser - but you'd have to provide more detains on
that (e.g. do you use a custom browser instead of Safari which may be
forcing that behavior?).

Cheers, Simon

Am I able to use the Rgui help window at home just thru some luck
of pre-existing conditions (from the  R 2.8 or 2.9 days)?

I checked, and the Library/Frameworks/.../base/R/Rprofile files are
the same on both machines, as are my personal   .Rprofile and
.Renvir files in my home directory.

Second: I noticed that on both machines, when I use the Search bar
in the document editor window (Rgui editor window),  the little
pop-up results panel displays the help page, with properly
functioning links to referenced help pages.  This suggests the help
system is working "behind the scenes" somehow on my work machine,
even though it fails to access the Rgui Help window.    Anything I
can do to adjust this?

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