
I'm a newbie in phylogenetic analysis so excuse me in advance for
incorrect terms and so on (or if my question is too silly).
I've recently started to work on a project for which I need to use
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models and I decided to use R and ouch since
the documentation was great.
For the first experiments I have been working on some toy trees but
I'm getting puzzling results: the same tree, simply
defined with different orders of the string which I use to represent
it in the Newick format, when analyzed with the Hansen
functions gives different results.
I have tried different combinations and in some cases a process
converges while the other one does not, in other
cases what change are the chosen optimal sigma (and thus the
loglikelihoods and so on). This happens
when I use a regime with different levels for every node in the tree
but not when I use a single regime.

I'm pasting here an example of this phenomenon. It could be a stupid
error on my side but I'm not able to spot it right now.

Elena Grassi
> library("ouch")
> library("ape")
> t1 <- read.tree(text="(E:10,(D:5,C:5):5);")
> t2 <- read.tree(text="((C:5,D:5):5,E:10);")
> out1 <- ape2ouch(t1)
> out2 <- ape2ouch(t2)
> regime1 <- out@nodes
> regime1 <- out1@nodes
> regime2 <- rep("global", length(outree@nodes))
> regime2 <- rep("global", length(out2@nodes))
> expr1 <- c(NA, NA, 3, 5, 10)
> expr2 <- c(NA, NA, 10, 5, 3)
> models_data1 <- data.frame(expr1, regime1, regime2, row.names=out1@nodes)
> models_data2 <- data.frame(expr2, regime1, regime2, row.names=out2@nodes)
> m1 <- hansen(models_data1["expr1"], out1, models_data1["regime1"], 1, 1)
> m2 <- hansen(models_data2["expr2"], out2, models_data2["regime1"], 1, 1)
unsuccessful convergence, code 10, see documentation for `optim'
Warning message:
In hansen(models_data2["expr2"], out2, models_data2["regime1"],  :
  unsuccessful convergence
> m1

hansen(data = models_data1["expr1"], tree = out1, regimes =
    sqrt.alpha = 1, sigma = 1)
  nodes ancestors times labels regime1 expr1
1     1      <NA>   0.0              1    NA
2     2         1   0.5              2    NA
3     3         2   1.0      C       3     3
4     4         2   1.0      D       4     5
5     5         1   1.0      E       5    10

[1,] 3.734194

sigma squared:
[1,] 9.233622e-30

         1          2          3          4          5
 0.5049171  1.3917440  3.3191037  5.6847686 10.2324134

   loglik  deviance       aic     aic.c       sic       dof
 100.5415 -201.0831 -187.0831 -209.4831 -193.3928    7.0000

> m22 <- hansen(models_data2["expr2"], out2, models_data2["regime2"], 1, 1)
> m11 <- hansen(models_data1["expr1"], out1, models_data1["regime2"], 1, 1)
> m11@loglik
[1] -7.47607
> m22@loglik
[1] -7.47607

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22)
Platform: i486-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
 [7] LC_PAPER=C                 LC_NAME=C

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] ape_3.0-5     ouch_2.8-2    subplex_1.1-3

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] gee_4.13-18     grid_2.15.1     lattice_0.20-10 nlme_3.1-104


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