Impressive and well-deserved achievement.

The work done by the PLT Group and others has been undervalued for too
long. I certainly believe that for too long the only marketing coming
out of Racket/PLT Scheme was "it's great for education", which although
it might be true, it understates its real value.

Racket is a great language in its own right. Not just for education and
not just for prototyping. Racket is great for product development as
well - from start to finish - no ifs or buts. Saying otherwise is
understating its value and undervaluing your work.

I congratulate everyone in Racket boat, I have a feeling the future is
bright. Buckle your seatbelts, the ride is just starting! :)

Paulo Matos

On 27/09/2018 00:53, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> Dear Racketeers, 
> Racket has just received the
>    2018 ACM SIGPLAN Software Systems Award
> We are honored by this award, but it belongs to more than the core
> group of people named in the citation. Many people have invested time
> and energy into this language.
>         The language is what it is now because of you.
> Looking back at the modest beginnings in January 1995, we want to
> acknowledge some contributors specially: 
>   John Clements, for constructing the incredible stepper back in the
>      late 90s and thus helping distinguish DrScheme from all other
>      pedagogic IDEs, for maintaining the beast for 20 years, and
>      taking on many other library projects;
>   Cormac Flanagan, for using PLT Scheme to create MrSpidey, which
>      placed our little language into the web of SIGPLAN research and
>      awareness way way back;
>   Matthew Butterick for "Beautiful Racket", code, languages, volunteer
>      teaching, and faithful evangelizing;
>   Vincent St-Amour, Ryan Culpepper, Paul Steckler, and Mark Krentel
>      for managing the Racket world of software for many years;
>   and Vincent also for his tender love and care for RacketCon.
> Many, many others have contributed to Racket over the past two decades
> through implementation, teaching, and research. We have collected many
> names at the end of this post, but our memories are probably flawed
> and, in recent years, the contributor community has grown
> tremendously. This doesn't mean we aren't thinking of you and thanking
> you today --- and not just today, but every time we launch our
> wonderful DrRacket and run beautiful Racket programs.
> THANK YOU ALL. We are looking forward to many more years of
> Racketeering!
> - Matthew with Eli, Matthias, Robby, Shriram, Jay, and Sam 
> Contributors: Claire Alvis, Leif Andersen, Yavuz Arkun, Ian Barland,
> Gann Bierner, Stephen Bloch, Filipe Cabecinhas, Corky Cartwright,
> Stephen Chang, Richard Cleis, Richard Cobbe, Greg Cooper, Christos
> Dimoulas, Eric Dobson, Carl Eastlund, Moy Easwaran, Will Farr, Dan
> Feltey, Michael Filonenko, Burke Fetscher, Kathi Fisler, Spencer
> Florence, Daniel Friedman, Tony Garnock-Jones, Sebastian Good, Paul
> Graunke, Kathy Gray, Ben Greenman, Dan Grossman, Arjun Guha, Dave
> Gurnell, Tobias Hammer, William Hatch, Bruce Hauman, Greg Hendershott,
> Dave Herman, Jim Hollan, Blake Johnson, Andrew Kent, Gregor Kiczales,
> Alexis King, Casey Klein, Alex Knauth, Geoffrey S. Knauth, Mario
> Latendresse, Xiangqi Li, Guillaume Marceau, Gustavo Massaccesi, Jacob
> Matthews, Mike T. McHenry, Philippe Meunier, Albert Meyer, Scott
> Owens, David T. Pierson, Jon Rafkind, Prabhakar Ragde, Norman Ramsey,
> Jamie Raymond, Grant Rettke, Guido Rößling, Emmanuel Schanzer, Paul
> Schlie, Dorai Sitaram, Francisco Solsona, Sarah Spall, Mike Sperber,
> Stevie Strickland, James Swaine, Jens Axel Søgaard, Neil Van Dyke,
> David Van Horn, Anton van Straaten, Asumu Takikawa, Kevin Tew, Neil
> Toronto, Milo Turner, Dale Vaillancourt, Dimitris Vyzovitis, Mitch
> Wand, Stephanie Weirich, Noel Welsh, Adam Wick, Danny Yoo, Shu-Hung
> You, and ChongKai Zhu.

Paulo Matos

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